I finished up at elsewhere. Liz and Arzu came down for the final screening and brought me up to Brooklyn. Now I'm sitting aorund Anna's apartment in Williamsberg. I've been here for almost a week, looking for jobs on craigslist everyday. Who know, maybe I'll find one.
I wonder where TK is???
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/22/2006 14:13 #33711
brooklyn bound07/13/2006 03:59 #33710
feedbackhere is a video

what do you think?
i have one more day for editing.

what do you think?
i have one more day for editing.
libertad - 07/13/06 11:05
i like.
i like.
07/12/2006 20:16 #33709
cackalackieHey from Elsewhere.
I am waiting for dinner. Two people make dinner every night. I made mashed potatoes with George last night, well, he made some stir fry and gravy. It was good. Tonight is nachos. Julia and Emma Rose are cooking.
I want a shower. I think it was about 90 degrees today with no air conditioning. How much can I sweat? A whole hell of a lot! I've got a shit load to do before Friday but I ain't stressing. I'm going to do the best I can. I'll post a few stills from the video I'm making. It has a long way to go. We have a show on Friday and Liz and Arzu will be here
i'll do it later
i got to go
I am waiting for dinner. Two people make dinner every night. I made mashed potatoes with George last night, well, he made some stir fry and gravy. It was good. Tonight is nachos. Julia and Emma Rose are cooking.
I want a shower. I think it was about 90 degrees today with no air conditioning. How much can I sweat? A whole hell of a lot! I've got a shit load to do before Friday but I ain't stressing. I'm going to do the best I can. I'll post a few stills from the video I'm making. It has a long way to go. We have a show on Friday and Liz and Arzu will be here
i'll do it later
i got to go
07/08/2006 02:16 #33708
robin updateso...
Here at Elsewhere people are running around to get ready for tomorrow's grand opening. I'm sitting here to wait for shit to render. A bunch of the Elsewherians made an exercise video and I'm doing the editing. The video has it's moments but it's frustrating to edit something that I didn't conceptualize. I think it's the last time I do it because I don't like to labor for free. I do like to work. It's nice. Well, I'll post a link to the thang sometime.
Personal life... Jesus, as much as I bitch about Buffalo at least I've had some good makeout fest there. Who can I make out with next? I like making out. My real last night in Buffalo was kind of nuts. Terry can tell you about it if he retained his memory. Certianly there was some making out that night.
Tomorrow night is a big party here. I hope it kicks ass. I hope it's nuts and I think it will be. Lordy lord, I wonder when the next time is I'll have some peace and quite and privacy. I haven't even masterbated in weeks. It could be quite a while...
Living with 15 people makes for to much social interaction. Women like me do better on their own... although I really did enjoy myself at Anna and Zoe's apartment in Brooklyn a few weeks ago.
enough enough
I'll tell y'all how we do with the party and opening tomorrow. You peepers better party down and send me those vibes down here.
Here at Elsewhere people are running around to get ready for tomorrow's grand opening. I'm sitting here to wait for shit to render. A bunch of the Elsewherians made an exercise video and I'm doing the editing. The video has it's moments but it's frustrating to edit something that I didn't conceptualize. I think it's the last time I do it because I don't like to labor for free. I do like to work. It's nice. Well, I'll post a link to the thang sometime.
Personal life... Jesus, as much as I bitch about Buffalo at least I've had some good makeout fest there. Who can I make out with next? I like making out. My real last night in Buffalo was kind of nuts. Terry can tell you about it if he retained his memory. Certianly there was some making out that night.
Tomorrow night is a big party here. I hope it kicks ass. I hope it's nuts and I think it will be. Lordy lord, I wonder when the next time is I'll have some peace and quite and privacy. I haven't even masterbated in weeks. It could be quite a while...
Living with 15 people makes for to much social interaction. Women like me do better on their own... although I really did enjoy myself at Anna and Zoe's apartment in Brooklyn a few weeks ago.
enough enough
I'll tell y'all how we do with the party and opening tomorrow. You peepers better party down and send me those vibes down here.
06/30/2006 04:25 #33707
elsewhereso it's 4 in the morning. I'm all excited because Liz and Arzu are going to drive down here on the 13th. France is going to be make a visit to buffLo I hear. I've got lots of work to do but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. I'm nervous. It's a strange set up here because they have these different positions. There are George and Stephanie, the two who run the space. Then there are all these people with positionhoods, which are like internships. They are assigned various task in the day. Then there are the artist-in-residence, like me, who are basically free to do their own work. I've been on sleep around the clock schedule. They have teenagers who work here, so it's weird to be around teens allot now that I'm mid-twenties. People seem a little more inhibited about sexuality and bodies here, it may be the youthful energy to the place. Here is a lil pic of a girl named Angela. She's a funny woman.

joshua - 07/02/06 17:24
How are you?
How are you?
Let me know if you need tks #