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11/14/2005 19:10 #33612

Category: weimar
I stayed up all the night last night because I feared if I slept I would miss my 9 O'clock meeting. I got to the meeting almost on time and announced to Liz and Susanne my plans for selling my soul to the Devil. The seemed to support the idea even though it is not an idea inspired from the art and commemoration workshop. I showed them the documentation from the first two days of the ritual. I started in the park Goethe designed and I will end the ritual in London, then return to Weimar and hopefully set up an installation in the park.
After this meeting I went to the class and watched two presentations. The first woman's work was... pictures of blocks of ice with Brazilian aerobic tapes playing... yeah. The second woman talked about her idea for the Belgium, Art and commemoration project. She wants to make match books that say, paper burns words fly away. People had a heated critique of this idea. I just sat there and thought of the Dixie Chicks.
After that I took a 3 hour nap. Then woke up and drank a really strong espresso and went to the monument/memorial workshop. The guy showed us lots of Jenny Holzer work. I get so sick of this text based work sometimes, sure its profound but I'm more affected by the Brazilian student's performance where she put an orange sheet over her head, cut a hole for a mouth and read porno mags. I know I had a strange expression on my face when she showed us that.
So after that workshop I went home, crawled into the bed and watched today's Democracy Now. About the time the program got past the part about how the white house wants to change what some guy said in the public records, I started feeling queasy and had to go vomit. I don't know why, maybe that double shot of black espresso ripped into my stomach. A long shower worked wonders and after a few hours I felt good enough to eat some of Albrecht's pasta. Then I watched Satan's Brew and wondered why I haven't met any people like that here in Weimar.
The kids are too damn moral here. At least one kid told me that he wore his "I love Kinky Sex" t-shirt in my honor one night.
One good thing about getting nauseous is that it inspired me to wash my bed sheets for the first time since I've been here. Hallelujah, praise the lord for that! Earlier this week I changed my website a bit, I put up some collages I made from the pictures Liz, Arzu and Soyeon took this summer when I took them to my parent's house.
My Mawmaw sent me a thanksgiving card and told me to get some turkey. She put a five dollar bill in the card. I loved it but it broke my heart. Speaking of love and affection, I must get some sex soon or I will spontaneously combust. At the moment I'm listening to The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots pt. 1 and thinking of someone very special.

11/11/2005 23:57 #33611

Category: serious academic

11/11/2005 07:40 #33610

forgetting the point
link for ebook, Venus in Furs.

11/07/2005 01:58 #33609

Category: ramdon browsing
rapunzel hair totally fucked up. how can people function with hair that long? It's not like they were locked in a tower, or were they?

11/06/2005 15:40 #33608

day 1
Category: sunday ritual





