Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/05/2005 23:12 #33581
Ocean and SunCategory: things for arzu
08/05/2005 18:29 #33580
the drive byCategory: stalker
My sister has a drive by stalker. It always comes late at night when we're outside smoking. A car will stop and turn around at the end of the driveway. It's kind of freaky when you are out in the middle of boonfuck nowhere surrounded by the cricket brigade that's continuously rub rub rubbing those wings together.
Lori thinks that the car is potentially her ex husband but she's not sure. She's dated lots of nuts. The last time I was here we went to the end of the driveway with a video camera and waited to see if the car would come back. It never returned that night. I have some footage somewhere of us waiting for it, drunken night vision footage. Lori says the car circles the block sometimes. A block out here is miles long. I waved at the stalker last night. Lori got freaked out. Oh, the joy of being victimized.
Lori thinks that the car is potentially her ex husband but she's not sure. She's dated lots of nuts. The last time I was here we went to the end of the driveway with a video camera and waited to see if the car would come back. It never returned that night. I have some footage somewhere of us waiting for it, drunken night vision footage. Lori says the car circles the block sometimes. A block out here is miles long. I waved at the stalker last night. Lori got freaked out. Oh, the joy of being victimized.
08/04/2005 21:13 #33579
wellCategory: boring
I can be impulsive when it comes to defending my friends. Unfortunately I'm still the subject even when writing of another's subjectivity. My friend would never describe things the way that I do. She is to classy for that.
As far as giving someone a chance even when you're not immediately attracted to them goes... I think that's ok. Often it takes time to become attracted to a person. I'm sure every person on the site knows what it's like to receive unwanted attention. I tend to ignore it but I enjoy my solitude. I'm guessing that most people are not so content to be alone.
I think Paul has good points about the comments feature. I guess we're not to the point of estrip utopia... yet
As far as giving someone a chance even when you're not immediately attracted to them goes... I think that's ok. Often it takes time to become attracted to a person. I'm sure every person on the site knows what it's like to receive unwanted attention. I tend to ignore it but I enjoy my solitude. I'm guessing that most people are not so content to be alone.
I think Paul has good points about the comments feature. I guess we're not to the point of estrip utopia... yet
boxerboi - 08/04/05 21:13
Its not about how the other person would describe things, is about how you feel about them and how you describe a situation. I often wonder if the best rule of thumb is to not write anything I wouldn't readily say in public; but Jeff is quick to point out that I have a big mouth... Soo I say write what you want how you want it and let the rest fall into place.
Its not about how the other person would describe things, is about how you feel about them and how you describe a situation. I often wonder if the best rule of thumb is to not write anything I wouldn't readily say in public; but Jeff is quick to point out that I have a big mouth... Soo I say write what you want how you want it and let the rest fall into place.
terry - 08/04/05 20:52
Ha, I just realized you guys had commented on my journal about inlinks. I lost my phone - so I wasn't getting forwards which reminds me, robin you have to update your email. I keep getting bounced messages everytime someone sends you an email.
Ha, I just realized you guys had commented on my journal about inlinks. I lost my phone - so I wasn't getting forwards which reminds me, robin you have to update your email. I keep getting bounced messages everytime someone sends you an email.
08/04/2005 15:15 #33578
shortCategory: being a hypocrite
Joshuass gossip does not become you. DC is upset my girl kicked him to the curb for a handsome young man . She liked the attention and not the person, in the poor doctor's case
08/03/2005 03:03 #33577
it scared meCategory: black cat
There are crickets a plenty and I am scheming. I made my sister read my thesis abstract and she says it don't make since. Aw, hell I'm going to go for it anyway... but first I'm going to go play the playstation.
I'm gone and yet I'm there, a virtual buffalonian.
The fog is thick here. Kiah runs circles around me all day. Today I hopscotched. The garden has come to harvest and there are vegetables all around. I used to have a friend that called tomato sandwiches, diced vagina sandwiches. I like tomatoes.
I'm gone and yet I'm there, a virtual buffalonian.
The fog is thick here. Kiah runs circles around me all day. Today I hopscotched. The garden has come to harvest and there are vegetables all around. I used to have a friend that called tomato sandwiches, diced vagina sandwiches. I like tomatoes.
That sounds scary.
I want to see Kiah's drawing.