plan for Wednesday- go to squeaky wheel open screening at 8, show some stuff and look at some stuff. Then head to the pink for some refreshment. Come on out y'all.
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/07/2005 17:19 #33568
summer daze06/02/2005 17:19 #33567
blackberry explosion
I was doing an editing demo on the projector. Then I said, "all right everyone to the editing suites." The students went to the suites and I ran to the bathroom. Right before class started I had eaten a crap load of black berries that I got from wegman's the night before. When I got them out of the fridge this morning one of them looked moldy so I threw it out washed off the rest and then devoured them.
In the UB bathroom all the blackberries returned to sight as I vomited them up. The tragic part is that I was having digestive problems on the other end at the same time. I had to make a choice so I sat on the toilet but then the vomit went all over the floor beside the toilet. It was the grossest looking(like those chunky blueish bits that sometimes come with menstrual blood) and sweetest tasting vomit that ever existed.
then I swabbed up what I could of my blackberry vomit, flushed it, and returned to the suites to help the kiddies edit. Now it's time to go home. I need to fill out paper work, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. but how else can I get to the Bauhaus? Then there's that thesis stuff. Oh, lordy. I just wanted some sweet sweet berries.
05/28/2005 19:05 #33566
time to rock itWell It's summertime therefore time to rock it. Writing journals in cafe Aroma sucks so I may be a little lacking lately. I'm happy to see Keith and Stickboy back on the chain gang. Paul and Mike, you guys are obligated to rock for Nonna's memory this summer. Drinking is a great way to prolong the grieving process, I bet.
I'm a camp counselor for college students this summer. They're nice people, these students. The class everyday thing is taking me back to simpler times.
Oh yeah, I'm trying to figure out this Germany stuff. I want to switch rooms with a girl but she wants to have roommates. I need to get in touch with the co-op house people.
I'm a camp counselor for college students this summer. They're nice people, these students. The class everyday thing is taking me back to simpler times.
Oh yeah, I'm trying to figure out this Germany stuff. I want to switch rooms with a girl but she wants to have roommates. I need to get in touch with the co-op house people.
05/17/2005 08:37 #33564
gaIt's not as hot as I'd like but we're going to go swimming today, maybe. I'm the only person awake right now.