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12/30/2004 06:52 #33494

A Room of One's Own
I understand the importance of the who room thing the most when I'm here in GA where I don't have a room of my own. Yesterday when I was ready to sleep there were 6 adults and 3 kids over here who decided to have a pizza party right when I should have been sleeping.
I sat in the living room for a while and read about the poverty of student life and the kids ran in and out playing hide and seek.

12/29/2004 07:32 #33493

The Last Picture Show
What a nice movie. AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm ready for Buffalo, Damn it! Bring on the cold. It's 26 right now and that's colder than Buffalo. I'm so BORED. AH misery! Well, I'll be bored back in Buffalo. What can I do to make this a good day? I'm going to get some mini DV tapes for starters.
I've gotta call up Joy at some point so I can hang out before I head back. I should make Kiah be a little actress for me but she don't listen to nobody so ... yeah.
Yesterday Kiah and I were watching Peter Pan when Kiah decided to fix my hair. That would have been well and good except then she decided to cut it. She hacked off a juicy lock before I knew what happened. That little stinker, after I took her outside to jump on the trampoline all morning and everything.


12/29/2004 04:04 #33492


This underwater earthquake business near Sri Lanka is terrifying. I've had those dreams before. The one where the big wave is coming, the wave bigger than buffalo's city hall. The wave that can destroy everything. Dreams like that are among the scariest that I've had so it's difficult to imagine the reality of such an occurrence. I guess it's something that has long been stored in the collective unconscious.

12/28/2004 00:25 #33491

One Time at Band Camp
I was at soundlab a while back and some woman asked me where i get my hair cut so I gave her a card for the place. Then she gave me one of her cards. I just now got around to looking at the web site. I can't really figure out what it is, a marketing spy company?

12/27/2004 15:34 #33490



