I'm back after running away to nyc for the weekend. I had a good time. Most of the trip was solitary traveling. I like people to watch strangers. New York is a large state. I had some drinks with Mr. Walsh, Nate, Sherrie, and Ned. I know Mr. Walsh and Nate from Atlanta. One was my teacher and the other a fellow student. Sherrie I just met that night. Ned went to Alfred with Mr. Walsh and I'd met him before.
We all went to a bar and had a few drinks. I reminisced in my mind about homo erotic wrestling in the interactive video lab (IVL). We all piled into dans car and left the bar to go hang out at Ned's house. Sherrie lives in the same building. On the way up the stairs we noticed red crap all over the back of Sherrie's dress. I remember following her to the door saying "hmmm, it almost looks like menstrual blood." She went to change but then she never came up to Ned's place.
Mr. Walsh, Nate and I decided to take off so we went to the car. Nate was in the front and I climbed into the back. I got something slimy on my thumb when I climbed into the car. I held out my thumb exclaiming "ewww gross what the hell is this!" Dan pulls back over and we realize it's all over the back seat. I jump out of the car shaking my hang off and gagging. We realize that Sherrie managed to secretly vomit on the ride back. Mr. Walsh wiped up her vomit with a merry Christmas dish towel that we left laying on the side of the street in Brooklyn.
The next day I boarded the train and got back to buffalo at 10:30. The subway wasn't running and I had not arranged a ride so I walked back to my house from the station. I got to see the clean up crew removing Buffalo's taste. Keith left me a message asking if I want to go to South Carolina. I called the number he gave me but I haven't heard anything back.
I talked to Andy for a good long time. I want to go see him but who knows. I think I'm finally going to clean up my messy apartment and try to focus on my academic work.
I've started reading a book called A Slave Holders Daughter and the title is apt because it's written by a woman who was born in Mississippi the year the civil war ended. Her family lost it's fortune.
It is terribly bias but at the same time it's interesting to hear a first person perspective on the conditions of life back then. I'm fascinated with the idea of slavery, mainly because I believe that it still exist but needs to be better defined. I mean working full time for six bucks an hour, isn't that slavery, in a way? Why is it that some people are screwed in life and others have opportunities fall into their lap? What is this American dream people like to speak of? I don't know. I'll figure out these thoughts eventually.
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/12/2004 20:07 #33396
chase those crazy07/09/2004 19:40 #33395
precious memories07/09/2004 17:14 #33394
Liz and Bush
My night on the town caught up with me apparently cause Bob fired me today. I feel bad for him. He told me that my priorities are messed up. My coworker has his priorities in the right place but he's fucking bob's daughter so ... he needs that good impression I reckon. Well, actually he's just a nice kid, not nearly jaded as I am.
It's interesting to be fired. This was my first time. It's more fun than quitting. The plant watering thing was getting old, I mean it's nice to do you know? Flower's are pretty. I'm sad. I was starting to like scraping the rust off of trash cans, it's oddly satisfying.
I've been considering my priorities all day and I realize now that jobs suck. I'm excited about this teaching thing but that doesn't start for a while... What am I going to live on? hmmmmm... I sure as hell don't want another bullshit menial job.
I've got to start thinking about my syllabus for the fall. I was to show the kids all kinds of things. Teaching seems like it should be rewarding. My class is in the afternoon so that's lucky. I want to see the kids make things. I can't wait. Making flowers grow Vs making people grow, same damn thing is some ways. Ittle be nice to have a job where I get to use my noggin.
To bad I have a month to kill.
07/07/2004 03:00 #33393
words to form thoughts or...There are all these street people and I need to utilize them. I want to start carrying around a video camera while I water flowers and take time out every now and then to get people to act in a written script. I'll give all the actors a dollar if they want. I'll have to get people to say something. I need a character. I was thinking of being, Pansy the fish seller and making people ask me "Hey, pansy will you sell me some fish?" ... yeah um
This detective McDonnell called today. He told me some lady got her teeth smashed out when someone snatched her purse. The attacker followed her home from the walgreens. Scary shit. I'm trying to wear clothes with pockets and carry as little as possible around with me. Keys and cigarettes.
I had another meeting with jack Daniel's last night. I remember the first night I met that particular brand of whiskey. I was 14. I had three girlfriends staying the night with me. My sister liked to take her truck and go cruising in Calhoun (in between the piggly wiggly and the movie theater).We tagged along with her that night.
12 yr. old, Shannon
13 yr. old, Courtney
and my Gemini twin, Taffy
We were loitering in the Family Dollar parking lot watching the cruisers drive by. Taffy found some rednecks who agreed to go to the liquor store for us. He came back with a huge bottle of Jack.
We went to my house and got drunk after that. I remember a Mexican skirt, being topless, and blue hair dye every where. Seems like Shannon threw up a pickle and Courtney kept pointing at it saying "look Shannon you threw up a whole pickle" and Shannon was crawling around on her knees in her vomit asking "where, where"?
This detective McDonnell called today. He told me some lady got her teeth smashed out when someone snatched her purse. The attacker followed her home from the walgreens. Scary shit. I'm trying to wear clothes with pockets and carry as little as possible around with me. Keys and cigarettes.
I had another meeting with jack Daniel's last night. I remember the first night I met that particular brand of whiskey. I was 14. I had three girlfriends staying the night with me. My sister liked to take her truck and go cruising in Calhoun (in between the piggly wiggly and the movie theater).We tagged along with her that night.
12 yr. old, Shannon

13 yr. old, Courtney

and my Gemini twin, Taffy

We were loitering in the Family Dollar parking lot watching the cruisers drive by. Taffy found some rednecks who agreed to go to the liquor store for us. He came back with a huge bottle of Jack.
We went to my house and got drunk after that. I remember a Mexican skirt, being topless, and blue hair dye every where. Seems like Shannon threw up a pickle and Courtney kept pointing at it saying "look Shannon you threw up a whole pickle" and Shannon was crawling around on her knees in her vomit asking "where, where"?
07/01/2004 13:10 #33392
What did he look like?The man was around 5.8
He was stocky.
He had a round face and round eyes.
He had medium brown skin and short curly black hair.
He wasn't that young or that old, maybe 30?
I tried to make some drawings.

Just to prove how bad I am at drawing from memory I did a sketch of Paul, Matt, and Terry. Can you tell who is who?

He was stocky.
He had a round face and round eyes.
He had medium brown skin and short curly black hair.
He wasn't that young or that old, maybe 30?
I tried to make some drawings.

Just to prove how bad I am at drawing from memory I did a sketch of Paul, Matt, and Terry. Can you tell who is who?