Soyeon it's great that you can feel so much for you're countryman. When they beheaded that American guy I just thought, sick but oh well, that's what happens when you go prancing about in a country that your country just invaded/liberated/what the fuck ever.I'm detached.
It's confusing, go bomb Iraq and then get the hell out of there leaving them to clean up the mess, well, that's not what the government systems doing, apparently they want to stick around and get people's head lopped off.
It makes me think of the story of the man with his head cut off. It's one of my most favorite stories to tell.
I'm from a little town up in the rolling hills of northwest Georgia. I grew up out on stoner road. Now way back in the prohibition days there was some people up in the hills on Stoner who were making moonshine. Some fancy FBI man heard about it and thought he'd go up yonder and close down those people's moonshine stills but when he got up there they just cut off his head. Then they buried his body in one field and his head in another. People found his body but they never found his head so now his ghost walks up and down stoner looking for another head. You gotta watch out or he just might get yers.
I guess this story is kind of cliche in hindsight but when I was a little kid it scared me to death. It's at least part true I hear. I snuck out of my house when I was 14. I was with my 12 year old friend Shannon. We were walking to meet some friends but we had to sneak into the woods and go around the block because our friend Laura had ran away from home that night and there were cops all around her house searching for her. That's how me and Shannon ended up in the most rural part of my country block where the man got his head cut off. I was scared shitless walking by there at 2 in the morning. There aren't any houses around there just woods with two fields on either side.
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/23/2004 15:22 #33384
man with his head cut off06/23/2004 03:12 #33383
TandemsOne time my lil skinny boyfriend (at the time) rode on a tandem with my roommate's (at the time) boyfriend (at the time). Yeah, so this was about at least 4 years ago. They must have looked cute riding all the way across Atlanta. They were so happy about it. I don't know why Kristin's boyfriend, Chad, had a tandem.
He was a rave promoter at that time, an ex X-games guy to, kind of a character I reckon. I have video tape of Kristin bleaching his hair while he drools on hims
He was a rave promoter at that time, an ex X-games guy to, kind of a character I reckon. I have video tape of Kristin bleaching his hair while he drools on hims
06/22/2004 21:33 #33382
NEW OLd BIKEI got the greatest bike today! It has not one but three baskets! I'm so happy with it. Does anyone want to ride bikes? This bike is super great. Rick's bike shop is so cool. The y are nice there. It was founded in 1896.
06/22/2004 10:38 #33381
journal listmaybe Paul should bring back the old *system*?
06/21/2004 22:14 #33380
old party storyIt was my first party that I ever threw in my apartment. I'd lived there for around a year and I was 21 years old. It was a Halloween party. I posted flyers all over my tiny art school. I invited my sister, Lori. I acquired a keg of Budwieser (Lori's favorite).
So there were two crowds
1. The art school kids
2. My sister and her posse of country kids
Then there were the unexpected
3. Georgia tech boys
The artist were the largest and most peaceful group present. They had great costumes and drank in a most amiable fashion. My sister is where the trouble began. She brought along a textile mill worker named Michael who she'd been dating for a week or so. Lori was in the process of getting a divorce from her husband. Lori also brought along Taffy, who was a friend of mine from middle school I hadn't seen in 5 or 6 years.
Well, Lori and her posse showed up kind of early so Michael and Taffy got bored and went to play pool. The party rush came at 10 and went at 3. In that time 2 computer nerd friends of mine had showed up. My sister decided to go play pool with them.
When my sister's friend Michael came back to the house and discovered that my sister was gone he went ballistic. He took his shirt off and started screaming "Where is she, I love her" and crazy shit like that (he's only known my sister for a week ya know) so at some point my sister comes back with Jacob, the computer programmer and his brother Ryan, the GA tech drop out red afro pizza delivery guy.
Michael was going all crazy. He punched Ryan. Jacob got upset and beat Michael up. Michael left but before he left for good he threw a baseball bat through my window.
The funny thing is that all these fighting boys were from my home town. I guess I consider Jacob and Ryan not to me country boys so much because they lived in the city but I knew Ryan in high school.
Moral or the story- Artist make love or art or both not war!
Well, my friend Ian a photo sculptor boy did stay through the drama but he was relatively calm if not extremely drunk.
The stupidest thing is my sister kept dating that crazy violent asshole for a while. I was so mad I actually told on her and my parents got all pissed. I had to tell them about the window ya know?
here is my sister with a drunken Jacob before the fight

this is me in my sparkle costume, with a GA tech stranger and my Andys embarrassed roommate

So there were two crowds
1. The art school kids
2. My sister and her posse of country kids
Then there were the unexpected
3. Georgia tech boys
The artist were the largest and most peaceful group present. They had great costumes and drank in a most amiable fashion. My sister is where the trouble began. She brought along a textile mill worker named Michael who she'd been dating for a week or so. Lori was in the process of getting a divorce from her husband. Lori also brought along Taffy, who was a friend of mine from middle school I hadn't seen in 5 or 6 years.
Well, Lori and her posse showed up kind of early so Michael and Taffy got bored and went to play pool. The party rush came at 10 and went at 3. In that time 2 computer nerd friends of mine had showed up. My sister decided to go play pool with them.
When my sister's friend Michael came back to the house and discovered that my sister was gone he went ballistic. He took his shirt off and started screaming "Where is she, I love her" and crazy shit like that (he's only known my sister for a week ya know) so at some point my sister comes back with Jacob, the computer programmer and his brother Ryan, the GA tech drop out red afro pizza delivery guy.
Michael was going all crazy. He punched Ryan. Jacob got upset and beat Michael up. Michael left but before he left for good he threw a baseball bat through my window.
The funny thing is that all these fighting boys were from my home town. I guess I consider Jacob and Ryan not to me country boys so much because they lived in the city but I knew Ryan in high school.
Moral or the story- Artist make love or art or both not war!
Well, my friend Ian a photo sculptor boy did stay through the drama but he was relatively calm if not extremely drunk.
The stupidest thing is my sister kept dating that crazy violent asshole for a while. I was so mad I actually told on her and my parents got all pissed. I had to tell them about the window ya know?
here is my sister with a drunken Jacob before the fight

this is me in my sparkle costume, with a GA tech stranger and my Andys embarrassed roommate