Well, I've been waiting for the fucking news to come on TV and right at 5:30 my stupid reception goes out. It almost makes me wish that I had cable. I guess I can tell y'all the story of the protest today. I'm not much of a protester but when they try to take one of my most favorite professors, Steve Kurtz, and do god knows what to him, I get upset ... so I went up to Niagara Square today at 9:00 am. There were a fair amount of people there maybe around 100 or so. We walked around in a circle yelling and holding signs. There was one chant about FBI and underwear that I didn't get but others were fine. I liked the "This Kurtz has no Heart of Darkness" chant but I still didn't join in (chanting I circle walked a hell of a lot). I'm not much of a group person even when it's a good group. There were people up from NYC, Chicago, and Pittsburgh. Some newspaper man asked me some questions. I said Steve is nice and the FBI is mean for using his wife's death as an excuse to run off with Steve's work and try to arrest him. There were a few news stations taping. What a spectacle.
As far as how the hearing went or whatever it was I have no idea. I hope they'll just leave Steve alone. I'm mad as hell. There is still a lot of knowledge I need to suck out of that guy and how can I do it if those people (AKA embarrassed stubborn mistaken piggies with hurt egos) lock Steve up or harass him out of a job. IT'S NOT FAIR, IT'S NOT FAIR, IT'S NOT FAIR! Things had best turn out in his favor or I will be even more disillusioned with this life and that is a terrifying prospect.
Well, on slightly more personal notes thanks to you guys who offered to take Andy to the airport today. I got him there by 1 and now he's gone. So there goes my fine ass, difficult, and fun boyfriend. God only knows when we'll meet again. He had a good time here. We had a busy 5 days, lot's of birthday stuff going on.
Thursday night we went to the pink. I got drunkish and Andy had a beer. I'm now officially 23. Lots of people came out that night. The next night I can't remember so I have to think hard...oh yeah I guess I wrote about it. arguing, silence, baths, and grocery shopping.
Saturday Soyeon and I had a BBQ for out birthday. Me and Andy went over to Soyeon's to help prepare around 12:30. I had my first beer at 3 and a cheeseburger shortly there after. The people started trickling in, by the time I was drunk it was somewhat crowed.
I have to admit that I can hold my own when drinking. I ate and drank and talked and repeat that a few times. Some friends bought me this crazy old pink bike and I gave a go at riding it but in my less than sober state I was not successful. Me and Matthew got to having a conversation with an eight year old. She was the only child in attendance of our BBQ. Earlier in the night she told me "I can see your underwear." She was a sassy little thing.
I reckon Jesse has gotten over his irritation with me or whatever because he came out and stayed for a long time. He gave me a wood music playing thing and said it would be good to put weed in but I wonder how he would know such a thing since he doesn't smoke weed. We had nice dream conversation and Holly told us a crazy dream she has had involving hand eyes on a little boy. Southernyankee turned out and she and Paul made Andy laugh a lot.
I got made fun of because I told some people that "Andy is my lover." They said I may as well have said fuck buddy but I still like the word lover. It means that you love each other and you make love. Sex without love is kind of well, pointless for me, not that I think sex has some mystical meaning or anything but hmm.... I don't know. Sex is just better if you know each other. That's when it gets fun. It makes you ask each other "What can we try next?"
Back to the party... It winded down by 11, by this time I has probably consumed 5 beers, 3 wines, 2 hot-dogs, a cheeseburger, several little k
chee dumplings, some Korean noodle stuff, a few strawberries, 2 cups of sweet tea, a coke, 2 cups of water and I was picking at the stir fry. I'm not sure where I got room for all of it.
Well, four of us headed over to a friends house and she was gracious enough to smoke a bit of marijuana with us. Then a few more people came over and it was around that time that I realized how incredibly drunk I was. I went onto the fire escape for a few minutes and then crawled back in the window and laid on the floor with my eyes closed. Did I pass out? Why no, I did not. I listened closely to the conversation going on around me and joined in every now and again saying things that I could only say in the state that I was in.
I remember that while lying there in the darkness surrounded by familiar conversing voices I spoke to them of a dream my father said he had. Dad told me about this dream when he was driving me to Atlanta after my recent visit to GA. He said that he dreamed he was in a graveyard and he saw a tombstone. He reached down and cleared off the writing and the tombstone was his. It read Robin's dads name 1944-2017. So I told my dad "wow that's a long time away" and he looked at me and said "Robin that's only 17 years" He said it in the most heart broken voice too. In my slightly passed out state we also talked about our grandmother and how they went crazy once they got to a certain age. My Granny and a stroke and Anna's and altimeter's disease.
After I rose up from my friends floor I immediately realized that I was not feeling so well. The ever wise Holly said "if you're sick don't hold it in." So I went to the bathroom turned on the shower and blew chunks in the toilet. Then me and Andy walked back to my place. I passed out on the love seat and woke up at 3 and purged my system for a few hours. It was most unpleasant. This is the time where y'all should be considering my food consumption list from earlier. The next day Andy walked down to the store and got me some Tylenol and ravioli and I started feeling better.
Keith called a bunch and said come see the robot and American Idol's John Steven's so me and Andy walked over there for a while. Keith went in the back and put on these Daisy duke shorts that were to big for him. He wasn't wearing underwear so his crack was showing a lot. I videotaped him dancing with a robot. Then me and Andy went to eat some pizza and on the way back home we went to frizzy's and took our picture in the booth.
Then we went home and fucked and hung around here all night.
The next night we went out to soundlab for a fundraiser. There was some girl rapping to us about people keep telling her that there were 6 rapes in her neighborhood last year and it's not a big deal because to her because she thinks it's a small number compared to how many rapes actually happened and she talked about how she bets that in the white college frat boy neighborhood a few streets over that kind of thing happens just as much and so on. She was intense and good I thought.
and all that ramble leads us back to today to the beginning.