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12/18/2003 06:13 #33195

fer Holly
1. I'm reading this book Sex for One by Betty Dobson. It's a great book but this lady is actually into cunt hair shaving because it makes women look at their pussies. She drew all these pictures of pussies close up to show the differences. It's amazing and beautiful, I think.

2. My boyfriend guy, Andy, is always mistaken for being gay. I used to tease him about it but the other night I had the lovely experience of being teased by my own sister for having a gay boyfriend. I think my sister is just pissed because she hasn't got laid in two months, for her that's a record. Jesus Christ you should see the stupid dicks she's interested in. Thank god I scared those assholes off. So yeah, gender roles suck they need a little more transformation if you ask me.

12/18/2003 05:52 #33194

Talking pussy

It was damn near sixty degrees here today. I hung around on the porch and went to D. U. I. school. Ya'll my boyfriend sure can fuck. Last night we started out spooning, He grabbed both of my hands so my arms were behind my back. Then I sat on top of him facing his feet and we fucked like that for a while. In the end we were doggystyle but a couple of variations on that so in the end I was just flat on my stomach and Andy spluged all over my back and said "Lord." Sex. It's even better than mild weather.

12/11/2003 19:54 #33193

I'm here in Adairsvile Ga. I have realized that it's going to be a very long month

11/30/2003 19:43 #33192

Yankee doodle dandy
I've got to admit that I haven't noticed much of a difference between northern and southern culture since I moved up here from Atlanta in August, well, that is until I spent thanksgiving with my sister in laws family in Pennsylvania. I stayed with the grams and my brother and his wife, Dee. My little niece Gracie was there and she is just as cute as can be. She just learned to walk and her honey blond hairs turned curly. So this northern family delights in giving each other a hard time (my bother is as southern as they come so its funny seeing him away from home). At one point Grams was in the hallway and one of her granddaughters said "get out of the way old woman" and once I was sitting on the porch calling a kitty over when grams said "don't call that cat over here. It's got a mean face if I had a gun I'd shoot it." Ya'll should meet my MawMaw she's the sweetest old lady ever. She sends me cards that says she praying for me and puts five dollars in. Well, the Pennsylvania family was nicer in actions than they were in words I guess cause I didn't do a lick of work while I was there just ate there good food and sat around. They are all Catholics so that's funny. My brother made me promise to keep my mouth closed about the religion thing so I guess I'll save my lectures for my own family. Dee's family doesn't talk about controversial stuff to much. In my family we tell it how it is and then argue. I've finally tried eggnog and I tell you what, that shit is so good, I wish I had some right now. At the end of the trip on Friday I was pulling away from Grams house with my brother and his family. Grams, Uncle Joe, and Aunt Rea all came out on the porch and stood there in a line. I yelled up to them that they looked like the Clampetts and my brother laughed about that halfway to the bus station. He think that Grams don't like him. So now I've been here in Buffalo taking it easy when I should be working my ass off. I did clean up this place. Man, it looks better. Come on over here and see it ya'll!

11/30/2003 17:13 #33191

Thanksgiving is such a teaser, I mean, for one day you have a feast, all this great food and then your just back to normal. I want turkey and honeybaked ham every day ahh pumpkin pie with whip cream I love you. Well, I finally cleaned up my nasty apt, so maybe people will come over now I've just got to ask. Hey, You wanna come over?