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08/30/2006 01:34 #32929

Random pictures...
I was going through my digital camera today and found random pictures from the past few weeks.


My giant pot-o-stuff on my deck. This is one of the few things I coaxed into growing over the summer. Yay Miracle Grow! :)

image Stella and Mr. Orange- the 2 new kitties that I adopted.

image A pic of my and my daughter's ratties. The huge one is mine--his name is Ash. (I adopted him last year and he was severely malnourished. Look at him now!) and my daughter's rats Sniffy and Boo.

My daughter Hailey was apparently having fun with my camera. :)

My boyfriend and I went to see The Format @ The Bufflalo Icon a few weeks back. This is the lead singer as he walked past us while we were outside. :) (crappy picture, I know. Damn camera phone!)

It's time for bed. I have the next 2 days off and I intend to enjoy them!!

08/24/2006 22:47 #32928

Lesson learned.
I will simply have to be more careful as to what I post in public forums. :)

Got to love being made to feel like you're in high school when you are supposed to be dealing w/ adults. :)

pyrcedgrrl - 08/25/06 08:35
Care, I'll tell you all about it offline. :)
theecarey - 08/24/06 23:58
sounds like drama. Whats the dirt?

05/20/2006 01:17 #32927

Graduation and Retardation
Attended (e:theecarey) 's graduation ceremony today. It made me a bit sniffly.

I am so very proud of my longest and bestest friend!!! :)

I took pictures of it with her camera (which hates me), going so far as to scoot up to the stage when she walked across it. She'll probably want to kill me once she checks them out though, as apparently no one has ever told me I am retarded. (but I still choose to believe the little bastard camera has a vendetta against me.)

Anyway, I just got home from zee work and I am zee tired, so sleep well, (e:strip)pers! :)

P.S. Check out this link:

It's a Russian site- just type your name in and push the button!
theecarey - 05/20/06 18:37
woah.. nice site link :) mwhahahahhahaha I sooooo did not expect that, hehe! Peeps, go look..

btw, I have something for you :)
leetee - 05/20/06 10:55
Thanks for taking pics and Carey's grad cerimony. Hope she posts some of them. :O)

And... uhm... what link?

04/30/2006 00:37 #32926

Simply disgusting.
Category: cultists
Check out this link

This woman and the other 100 members in her "church" (which is called the Westboro Baptist Church, but thankfully is not linked to any legitimate churches and 80% of which she admits are her family members) decided that it was a good idea to protest outside of the funerals of American soldiers with signs reading "Thank God for Dead Soldiers", "Don't Worship the Dead", "God Hates You", etc...

Their website for their "church" is named God Hates Fags

So much for "Love thy neighbor", eh?

I aboslutely love her logic. Gays in America=God Hates Us=9/11=Iraq War=Dead Soldiers.

But apparently the moronic tendacies do not end with her. Her father organized a protest outside of the Holocaust Museum at some point.

  • shudders*

Gotta love these frigging whack job cultists who spew bullshit in the name of religion.
jason - 04/30/06 16:39
These people aren't Christians. They're something else...lord knows the idiots who show up for the pride parade here.
libertad - 04/30/06 12:08
I'm proud to be a sodomite! At least they spread there message of hate in spanish too. :::link:::
zobar - 04/30/06 09:07
Ahh ... Reverend Phelps. I remember when I saw him and his kids in, of all places, Greenwich Village, on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, the birds were singing, the Phelpses were full of hate, and all the fags in the Village - God bless New York - didn't give a good God damn.

A seriously fucked-up link w.r.t. WBC that perhaps you should not read if you have recently eaten or plan to eat or ever sleep at night again: :::link:::

- Z
kookcity2000 - 04/30/06 03:27
I emailed these people in the year 2000!

It was for a Paper I was writing! I asked them about love and hate.
At the time I had sent these general neutral questions to these guys, some satanist people, some muslim people, and some judaic scholars/s

Actually I changed my paper to be about objective love versus subjective love, so i never used the quotes from them. But I have the stuff they sent me saved on my main computer.

Funny thing is, Al Gore had used their services in one of his campaings. Moist people don't know that!!

03/21/2006 00:30 #32925

Viva la' Canadians!
I've got a thing for Matthew Good. I have for a long, long time.
I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because he's an awesome singer, maybe it's because he's a nerdy boy, maybe it's simply b/c I find Canadians hot.

Anyway, he made a stop in Buffalo last October for his first tour in 3 years. I surprised my boyfriend w/ tickets the day of the concert (b/c, oddly enough, Matt Good is his favorite artist) and the show was amazing.

Over the weekend, during our Spot chat, (e:theecarey) and I started talking about Matthew Good. I played a few songs for her on my iPod, but she didn't recognise them @ all.

As per usual, my chats w/ (e:theecarey) end up being precursors of things to come. (it happens often w/ us, but is still weird when it happens)

This morning,while en route to the dentist after my fabulous midnight shift, my boy called me and asked one question....

"Guess who's coming back to Club Infinity?"

After the dentist I made a beeline to Tops and purchased tickets to Matthew Good's ONLY AMERICAN DATE on his solo acoustic tour. :D

I am way too easily amused. :)
pyrcedgrrl - 03/21/06 22:56
LoL... well, if tix were not $23.00 I def would have sprung for them!! It's an acoustic set thopugh, and he tends to slow even the fast songs down when he does them acoustically.
theecarey - 03/21/06 16:25
sooooo, that would be a ticket for you and a ticket for me, right?!?!

I like the fast songs :)