Unfortunately, against my better judgement I decided to go with having a contractor inspect the house instead of an inspector. He must have done a shotty job to not have noticed the pipes. The fact that the few near the door are rusting on the inside means this is going to be a proble. I believe the former owner put wet shoes on the furnace in winter which caused the rust on these two registers. That in turn exposes the asbestos in the furnace pipes. Yuck, thankfully there are very few asbestos lined pipe sin the basement and we can remove them.

Does anyone know anyone that deals with asbestos removal. According to the city

Asbestos abatement in Buffalo can only be done by an asbestos contractor licensed as such with the city.
There is one exception to this regulation: in the case of a homeowner-occupied single-family dwelling, asbestos may be removed by the homeowner. If the homeowner's removal and haul-out costs are below $750.00, there is no permit necessary; otherwise a permit is taken out by the homeowner. It is recommended that the owner water-soak asbestos prior to removal, and double-bag it in contractors' garbage bags. Disposal can pose a problem. The City is not required to pick up asbestos refuse; it is usually at the discretion of the garbage crew. However, once bagged it may be brought to the City's waste site at 264 Hopkins Avenue - enter from Tifft Street - and, bring along a recent city tax bill as proof of residency.
I am even more dissapointed with Indoor Air Professionals

On another note, aren't bugs supposed to hate citronells. What is up with these freak ones. they are on it like crack addicts on crack.

At the elmwood art festival they through rice all over near the stage. Doesn't that kill all the birds?

Does anyone know if this is a gas shut off for a gas stove or a gas connector. It is behind my tenants stove and I need to get a new stove. Sears wanted to know if I had a gas shutoff behind the stove but I had no idea.

The mushroom-goronzola burger is so tasty at Roswell.

English Standard measurement is really idiotic. We should just give it up.

The sugar glider babies come out now. We have one new boy and one new girl.

This song just came on the radio and confirms my beliefs that the 90s are on the verge of being back in style.
AWWEEE!!! The Sugar Glider babies are just too cute!!! :)
Maybe the actual shut off is in the basement? I don't know...that thing must serve some purpose.
What are those little animals?
i must have missed the post about babies being born. how exciting! when did this happen? are you keeping the babies?