According to my coworkers, it is fucking freezing in ur office during the summer. In fact my boss kleeps an extra jacket in his office for the summer. It's a little ridiculous because right now it is about 90 degrees in the office and on one side they have giant tubes that pump cold air in during the winter so we don't overheat too much. There is something to be said for efficiency. It actually freaks me out that the building I am in is where a lot fo the cancer research - sort of the forefront of science - yet they cannot figure out the enviornmental control systems. I know, it's not the same scientisist but it is the same organization.
I hope the new building we are moving to soon, doesn't have the same environmental problems. There is nothing I hate more than being freezing in the summer.
I took this picture and afterwards realized it looked like I was worshipping my phone.

The good news is I found out that my superphone is the only one sprint does not charge for tethering with. Happy tethering to me.
I really need to cut my hair off. I wish it would just warm up before the buzzcut. I cannot believe it just does this naturally. I haven't used a styling product since the 90s. I guess that is self evident.

Thanks so much for all the work you are doing on (e:strip) and its chat, (e:Paul)!
Now, if you're sick, go get some rest. Honest, (e:Strip) will be fine without your attention for a few days, or even a few hours! You deserve a rest. Just remember, you don't need to get sick to rest!