This is the moblog

I guss everyone hates their own countries
17:57] paulsidekick: the farthest north I ever got was kopenhagen
[17:58] paccer01: i live in copenhagen :)
[17:58] paulsidekick: cool
[17:58] paccer01: but im tired of denmark
[17:58] paulsidekick: why
[17:58] paulsidekick: i always thought it seems so great
[17:58] paulsidekick: compared to amerika
[17:58] paulsidekick: i rememerb when I was in germany
[17:58] paulsidekick: they built that bridge
[17:58] paccer01: i hate people in denmark
[17:58] paccer01: i mean
[17:59] paulsidekick: bridging part of denmark
[17:59] paulsidekick: and people seems so excited about their community and their country
[17:59] paulsidekick: compared to here
[17:59] paccer01: if someone falls - people look away pretend they didn't see it... and denmark is pretty racist too
[17:59] paccer01: hate it
[17:59] paulsidekick: oh ya
[17:59] paulsidekick: racist i can believe
[17:59] paulsidekick: i went dancing one time
[17:59] paulsidekick: with some turkish students
[17:59] paulsidekick: when we went to denkamrk
[17:59] paulsidekick: and they wouldnt let themn in the club with us
[17:59] paulsidekick: it was horrible
[17:59] paulsidekick: i was liek fuck you nazis
[18:00] paccer01: pisses me off
[18:00] paulsidekick: is weird
[18:00] paccer01: and you also live in denmark without knowing your neighbour.. and people looks like your insane if you smile at someone
[18:00] paulsidekick: here too
[18:01] paccer01: i wanna move to australia, i think
So I get an IM while laying there sick as hell and figure its twisted so I answered for once. Then it's some dude who read online that I solved (e:shawnr)'s nokia 3220 corrupt jpeg problem and wanted help although I had posted the solution online.
I originally hadn't responded to his email because he ask for a procedural version of the script and I refused to produce it as I had already posted the OOP one and I am too busy rewrite it. I asked him what he was using it for and he said for a moblog. Then i started to feel bad for him. I thought, " oh how sad, I can imagine having a camera phone I cannot use on my blog" and started to help him out.
Mind you I hate helping people nowadays. It has gotten really out of control. Everyone wants my help all the freakin time. My general rule is that I refuse to help on anything commecial unless they are paying me but that doesn't stop all you motherfuckers from harassing me to get information so that you can make more money. Just stop!! You know who you are!
At the end of the conversation after I pretty much held his hand about it because he said he was using it for his moblog, he tells me it is for a dating service he is starting and he will need to process many of these photos per seconds. You can see the conversation below. I am putting it here to deter future commercial help requests.
-update - afterwards I got this explaining it isn't a commercial dating servicel. I guess I shouldn't get so angry so fast. I am just a jerk sometimes but I am also stressed out with helping people. I could have asked for more details but I didn't.
[14:43] paccer01: hi paul
[14:43] paccer01: sorry to disturb you - hope you don't mind
[14:44] paccer01: have you read my email about the 3220 jpeg fix?
[14:45] paulsidekick: i did
[14:45] paulsidekick: but i have been really busy
[14:45] paccer01: ah - okay
[14:45] paulsidekick: i only write OOP
[14:45] paulsidekick: i have no idea how to write it otherwise
[14:45] paulsidekick: as that is all i learned
[14:45] paulsidekick: lol
[14:45] paulsidekick: but basically
[14:45] paulsidekick: what you need to do
[14:45] paccer01: oop example is fine ;)
[14:45] paccer01: i just perfer non-oop
[14:46] paccer01: because oop is harder for me to read
[14:46] paulsidekick: you need to read you image into a varibalre with file_get_Contents
[14:46] paulsidekick: then pass the data to imagecreatefromstring
[14:46] paulsidekick: if you run that in a command line php program
[14:46] paulsidekick: it will spit out an error
[14:46] paulsidekick: tell you there are so many extraneous bits of data
[14:46] paulsidekick: before marker whatever it says
[14:47] paulsidekick: it will tell you before which marker
[14:47] paulsidekick: then basically you can open it up in a hex editor
[14:47] paulsidekick: and find those bits
[14:47] paulsidekick: delete them but record what they are
[14:47] paulsidekick: or wherr they are
[14:47] paulsidekick: then write a program to remove those bits everytime
[14:47] paulsidekick: it relaly deopends on the phone model
[14:47] paulsidekick: and its a little bit time consuming
[14:47] paulsidekick: but it works everytime
[14:48] paulsidekick: are you on windows or linux
[14:48] paccer01: both... :)
[14:48] paulsidekick: it shoudlnt matter
[14:48] paulsidekick: well on windows just run the php file form the comand line
[14:48] paulsidekick: and from linux run it in the temrinal
[14:48] paulsidekick: it spits back an error that you otehrwsie will not see if you run it through apache or IIS
[14:49] paulsidekick: that error tells you exactly where the problem is in the image
[14:49] paulsidekick: then you just have to write the progrwm to cut that part out
[14:49] paccer01: its just odd that your fix did not work in my case
[14:49] paccer01: its a 3220 too
[14:50] paccer01: it does not find chr(0x28).chr(0x36).chr(0x28).chr(0x2B) in image for an example
[14:50] paulsidekick: it could be different in differtn for your model
"color:red">[14:52] paccer01: shouldt it be possible to just set phps error reporting a bit higher instead of running it from shell[14:52] paccer01: i had no idea that there was a difference
[14:53] paulsidekick: Corrupt JPEG dta: 74v extraneous bytes bedore marker 0xd9
[14:53] paulsidekick: is what your image says
[14:53] paulsidekick: the erro is not a PHP error
[14:53] paulsidekick: its actually an error being output by the jpeg library
[14:53] paulsidekick: that php uises
[14:53] paulsidekick: so php doesn't catch it as a module for a server
[14:54] paulsidekick: but it does spit it out to the command prompt
[14:54] paulsidekick: that is why these images wont work with gimp either
[14:54] paulsidekick: well they do but it warns of an error
[14:54] paulsidekick: anything using the jpeg libs in GD will reject them
[14:54] paulsidekick: unless they are fixed
[14:54] paulsidekick: in your case
[14:55] paulsidekick: because it is 74 byres befoe d9
[14:55] paulsidekick: which is at the end of a jpeg
[14:55] paulsidekick: you need osmethign similar to my eat function which keeps
[14:55] paulsidekick: removing a byte before whatever character
[14:55] paulsidekick: and then testing again
[14:55] paulsidekick: until the image is correct
[14:55] paulsidekick: and imagecreatefromstring returns true
[14:56] paulsidekick: what are you using this for
[14:56] paccer01: a moblog
[14:56] paccer01: at the moment, i just write the files directly to disk - but i'd like to convert files into jpegs before writing them to disk
[14:57] paulsidekick: ya
[14:57] paulsidekick: you can't manipualte them ihtout fixing this
[14:57] paulsidekick: alternatively
[14:57] paulsidekick: you can pipe the images out to imagemagick'
[14:57] paulsidekick: which can handle them
[14:57] paulsidekick: its a linux graphic program
[14:57] paulsidekick: or to photoshop or something
[14:58] paccer01: i was actually thinking about that
[14:58] paulsidekick: by using exec() with PHP
[14:58] paulsidekick: alhtough
[14:58] paulsidekick: this method is better
[14:58] paulsidekick: because it is native
[14:58] paulsidekick: if you can figure out what exactly need sto be cut form your images
[14:58] paulsidekick: some phoens it is easier
[14:58] paulsidekick: for exmaple with my PPC 6700
[14:58] paulsidekick: oits always the exact same string near the beginning that needs to be removed
[14:58] paulsidekick: so I just detect is it fromt heppc6700-
[14:58] paulsidekick: if so cut this data
[14:58] paulsidekick: no need to keep retesting it
[14:59] paccer01: how do you detect its from a 6700?
[14:59] paulsidekick: open the file in a hex editor
[14:59] paulsidekick: tehre is always something unique about it
[14:59] paccer01: the attachment?
[15:00] paccer01: one of my problems is that i don't really have much to test with
[15:00] paccer01: or compare with
[15:00] paulsidekick: what do you eman
[15:00] paulsidekick: mean
[15:00] paccer01: well - to find unique stuff - i need to compare it with something.. to find out whats unique and whats not
[15:01] paulsidekick: there are a million jpegs on the web
[15:01] paulsidekick: lol
[15:01] paulsidekick: a bizzilion
[15:01] paulsidekick: really
[15:01] paccer01: heh - yea.. of course
[15:01] paccer01: i was thinking mms'es
[15:01] paulsidekick: if you opent hat file in a hex editor
[15:01] paulsidekick: the 3220fixme.jpg
[15:01] paulsidekick: you can see ff d9
[15:01] paulsidekick: are the last two bvytes
[15:01] paulsidekick: meaning you need to delete the 74 bytes before that
[15:01] paulsidekick: if you take more pictures with your phone
[15:01] paulsidekick: you might find out that it is always 74 bvytes off
[15:02] paulsidekick: in that case just deete the 7 bytes
[15:02] paccer01: as
[15:02] paulsidekick: 74
[15:02] paccer01: so all i have to do is run a substr like you do
[15:02] paccer01: before the last two bytes
[15:02] paccer01: i think i got it now :)
[15:03] *** paulsidekick wants to directly connect.
[15:03] paccer01: pretty easy actually ;)
[15:04] paulsidekick: i am trtying to send you the fixed image
[15:04] paulsidekick: basically just rememeber each set of 2 letter in hex is one byte
[15:04] paulsidekick: e.g d9 is a byte
[15:04] paulsidekick: ff is a byte
[15:04] paccer01: i might need to open a couple of ports in my router to recieve
[15:05] paccer01: maby you could send to ?
[15:05] paulsidekick: i emailed it
[15:05] paccer01: great
[15:05] paulsidekick: back to whatevfer you sent from
[15:05] paulsidekick:
[15:05] paulsidekick: to there
[15:05] paccer01: :)
[15:05] paccer01: fine
[15:05] paccer01: got it
[15:05] paulsidekick: i just deleted all 74 bytes
[15:05] paulsidekick: so the more images you have from your comera
[15:05] paulsidekick: the more you can test till you ffigure it out
[15:05] paulsidekick: inthe case of my friend shawns nokia 3220
[15:06] paulsidekick: it was different everytime
[15:06] paulsidekick: but it always came before the end
[15:06] paulsidekick: so i just kept deleteing 1 and then check
[15:06] paulsidekick: in a loop
[15:06] paulsidekick: until imagecreatefromstring returns true
[15:06] paulsidekick: then you are all set
[15:06] paccer01: doesn't running imagecreatefromsting in a loop eat ALOT of resources?
[15:07] paulsidekick: no
[15:07] paulsidekick: its no big deal at all
[15:07] paulsidekick: you can run that script ina couple seconds
[15:07] paulsidekick: its not actually working when it returns false
[15:07] paulsidekick: milliseonds
[15:07] paulsidekick: i meant
[15:08] paccer01: hm
[15:08] paulsidekick: how many iamges do you expect to uplaod to your blog
[15:08] paccer01: have no idea actually
[15:08] paccer01: to start with - a few
[15:08] paulsidekick: i mean if you were sending 3000/mnute
[15:08] paulsidekick: you might want another solution
[15:08] paccer01: k
[15:09] paulsidekick: it only needs to run it on nokai 3220s for your blog
[15:09] paccer01: yea
[15:08] paccer01: at most, it will be one pr second, i thin
[15:08] paccer01: but maby it will be a part of a dating service i am working on
[15:09] paulsidekick: i cannot help you anymore if its comercial
Thanks so much for all the work you are doing on (e:strip) and its chat, (e:Paul)!
Now, if you're sick, go get some rest. Honest, (e:Strip) will be fine without your attention for a few days, or even a few hours! You deserve a rest. Just remember, you don't need to get sick to rest!