I went to a union lunch party today. I heart my union

. I realize they take a lot of money and they are bad for business. I also realize everyone else hates them. But damnit, I love the union and the fact that I have health insurance and a living wage with holidays and a retirement plan. I know that it's the union that makes that all possible. I have definately tried working for the non-union jobs. I never made more than $20,000 and I never had health insurance.
They had some pretty tasty "free" sandwiches and we were able to choose between a free FM radio or a plastic waterbottle. I actually chose the water bottle now that my phone does internet streaming radio. I think it is funny that an FM radio is now worth as much as an empty waterbottle. It wasn't even a particularly nice one. Now that I think about it, I forgot it in the meeting, lol.
At the meeting we voted if we think it is good to make roswell a smoke free zone. I voted for it. I can't believ it isn't one already. In the middle of the cmapus there is an area locked between fences and buildings and in the center of it, next to the praxair compressions tanks is a smoker hut, that is most likely an old metro bus stop. It looks exactly liek one. I will try and get a picture tomorrow. Some referred to it as the Bus Stop that to afterlife.
As a side note, I did think it was funny that on the newsletter the clipart with the article was money but that there was nothing really about money in the article.
Nice pic, Man hunt is a personal fav. $9.00?? I want to try the sandwhich, it always smells so good as it cooks.. but they cook it in the dark! One of these nights I will give it a try.
Sexy stuff :) fer sure i'm coming to the party!!!