After a little break for (e:matthew) 's sore driving butt we arrived in neo-rome. There are lots of row houses, traffic, ghetto and serious cracked out drug addicts singing. I guess it is exactly what I would expect for the capital of America. Definately could use a public-transphere.
In the second picture you can see how thousands of cars are lined up to take the 395 out of the city. We are like on of five cars that are heading toward it.
05/18/2005 09:01 #31964
Nasa Playground
Nasa has their own giant super science playground here. Maybe jesse and I should start making science hats for NASA. I read they just switched to PHP.
Here I am sitting on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. You can see there are no cell phone towers or dwellings anywhere near us, however, I sporadically get cell phone service. I guess the waves travel greats distances bouncing along the water?
It seems strange as I am not moving and the cell phone towers where ever they are, are not moving. Yet somehow the service levels change ever 5 minutes. I guess there are lots of things that factor in between us.
05/17/2005 12:13 #31961
Assateague Trail
We are on the life of the forest trail. There is lots of poison ivy. I took a picture of poison ivy. I also took a picture of (e:matthew) taking a picture of the ivy for a more abstract level of documentation.