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05/15/2005 19:57 #31956

Fairfax, VA
I like it here, although like any big city if you stuck me in one of these big plazas and asked me what city I was in, I would probably guess Vegas. They all look the same.

It's great to see (e:southernyankee)


05/15/2005 11:40 #31955

Window Sticker, video and 3D modeling
I am supposed to be 3D modeling for this project I am helping someone with but instead I have become obsessed with video taping everything with the web cams we bought for (e:rzoo) 's project. I think I am going to start documenting even more of my life. I am not sure why exactly, but I know it's fun and someday I will enjoy it. I think it is a reaction to the ten years before this when I barely documented anything. I don't even have picture of my friends or places I lived. Like South Carolina no pics. Flensburg no pics, I went to Africa for a while - no pics.

I hope (e:rzoo) is having a good time with (e:robin) , liz, and soyeon in Georgia. That sounds like a fun trip.

So my mother bought us this window sticker of three guys twisted together. She likes to buy us things with three guys because there are three of us. We also have a door knob pillow with three snowmen. I know, what is a door knob pillow? I don't understand it myself and I have one.

05/15/2005 11:06 #31954

Well, we are finally off
We are leaving Buffalo now.


I am going to record some audio blogs along the way.


I hope (e:mike) doesn't destroy our house and remembers to feed all the animals in our zoo when living at the crack mansion!

Happy graduation (e:mike) , (e:jill) , and (e:beast) and all the rest of you that are graduating now. Graduation is such a weird word when you think about it. I guess you a switching grades in your life.


05/15/2005 09:46 #31953

Assateague Here We Come
Well, we are leaving for Assateague today. I am excited to be at the Ocean and reasonably warm. To bad Vermont is just too cold and rainy this week. It will be nice to see Richmond and Washington too. Maybe we should re-enact a civil war battle.


05/15/2005 07:39 #31952

Sang Flys Away
I just dropped sang of at the airport. He is the white blob with the backpack in the second photo. He stayed up the entire night watching anime so that he could sleep on the 13 hour flight to Korea. I am glad we only have an 8 hour drive. (e:southernyankee) , we are going to visit you after all. I'll call you later, we might be in DC on wednesday?!
