For Friday the Thirteenth everything went well so far. I wen tout and ate Vietnamese food at the reopened Vietnamese restaurant between Utica and Hodge on Elmwood. It was tasty. Then we had chocolate Martini's with Holly over at the crack mansion. It was nice to catch up.
Paul's Journal
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05/13/2005 22:06 #31944
Nice Evening05/13/2005 16:10 #31943
It was fun being a good teacherToday, I saw lots of students who appeared really surprised that I didn't get hired. Many of them told me that I taught them the most at Canisius, which was nice to hear.
I wonder who will teach advanced programming now they they got a single track guy.

. . .have a good summer and maybe I will see you next year. thanks for everything you really taught me a lot and because of it im teaming up with a friend of mine thats a professor at RIT to work on making websites for profit all summer.
I wonder who will teach advanced programming now they they got a single track guy.

05/12/2005 23:11 #31942
Towers RebuiltCategory: design