My portfolio covers just about every aspect of Digital Media Arts outside of video (and only because I haven't had time) and I'll have an MFA with 3 years of a 4.0 average. I have student recommendation letters like this

Someone named Erik Day got the job. He is someone that google doesn't seem to know very well, otherwise I would have posted a link. I heard he has about 10 years in animation experience. I guess my teaching experience and portfolio really didn't matter. Neither did the outfit, haha.
I just wish I hadn't turned down all of those jobs this year. I am not too worried because I can seriously do just about anything with a computer. On the otherhand, I am a little pissed off at the school for wasting my time. I mean it was Barry Berlin that told me to go get my MFA so that I would be ready for a job as a full-time professor at Canisius when one came up.
I never had 10 years business experience
They knew from the get go that I could never have 10 years business experience. Obviously for the last 3 years I was working on my MFA while they paid me $15,000 (which is pretty much slave wages.) It wasn't even really enough to cover the cost of school. I kept turning down job after job because I was determined to live and work in Buffalo, and this was the opportunity that could make it work.
Then in my last three weeks of grad school, when I would have been working hard on my thesis and other stuff, I instead prepared for this interview, bought new clothes, redid my portfolio, wrote my CV, etc.
At any point they should have just told me not to apply, if they were looking for 10 years of business experience. I thought that they were looking for someone who can be a jack of all trades in their smorgasbord department. I guess the same people picked Thomas Wolfe, so anything was possible. I hope they got themselves another one.
Moreover, why would they not hire a Buffalonian over an outsider. It seems that all of the ties I have with the local community didn't mean anything either. Too bad because that would have benefited students so much.
Anyways, here is to art and not trusting Christians. Cheers.

Maybe I just diversified my portfolio too much. I should have done a bunch 3D videos and handed those in. Who would have thought? I figured that VR and web walkthroughs, and video game programming were more important considering they were most interested in video games and not high poly and NURBS based films.
On another note, does anyone want to hire me. I can do anything but require at least $40,000 per year.