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05/02/2005 01:27 #31903

I should be sleeping but instead I am proofreading my presentation. I think it has the potential of being the best ever, as long as the whole computer projector connection holds up. They have me teaching in a room that does not have the software I am teaching, so I am stuck with resorting to teaching from my laptop. It is very non-hands-on, which is awkward for DMA, but it has to be done. Yay for Tuesday, I take back what I said last week.

I'll keep you all posted after it happens.

05/01/2005 13:05 #31902

Great Buffalo History Site
Who would have ever thought that Buffalo and Blackrock were competing for the mouth of the Erie Canal. Here you can find out about Beginnings - The Village of Buffalo - 1801 to 1832

Here is a link to a much larger history directory on the same site.

It also has a link to the Buffalonian

What is The Buffalonian?

As founder Steve Powell puts it. "We are a "NOT-COM" dedicated to the dissemination of historical information... We are a nonprofit organization creating an online community and archive."

05/01/2005 16:14 #31901

Stealing The Internet?
(e:maidencateyes) , what do you mean stealing your internet [inlink]maidencateyes,292[/inlink] ? Is there not enough for you to use?

Think about this analogy. You have a stereo, you blast it really loud and then call the FBI because your neighbor is trying to listen to your music but didn't buy it. It is the same thing as what you are saying.

I always leave my networks open so other people so that they can freely use the internet in my network. It is really no problem unless they are causing some sort of network problem or trying to hack into your computer. Is that what was happening to you, or are you just upset that someone was using it?

Why not share the internet? It is totally ridiculous to invlove the police and/or FBI for something that you have totaly control over. They will have no idea what you are talking about, and we don't even have enough police to deal with real emergencies, let alone "stolen internet" problems. Just put a password on the network if you don't want poeple to use it. If you complain enough you will end up drawing the attention of the people that think you are actually invading his privacy by sending your radio waves into his apartment.

Being able to share the wireless internet is what makes it so great. Multiple people can use the same connection without any hardware overhead. Instead of trying to get him busted for using the radio waves you are sending into his apartment, why don't you just ask him to split the cost with you or put a password on it.

04/30/2005 19:53 #31899

So Many Clothes Later
(e:matthew) and I bought so many clothes. So now we finally have a new wardrobe. I got the interview sweater I needed to complete the outfit. Now I am confident and ready to go. I wish that shopping online wasn't so hit or miss. I would rather do that from now on. At least I have some respectable clothing to wear.

Here are the interview pants. Maybe I should have bought a creme colored sweater.

I got this sweater instead, although I just did the colors in photoshop, so they don't match the clothing exactly right. It goes good with he pants.

Here is the shirt and tie that goes with it. I also bought a fancy shirt from Calvin Klein but I ma thinking it is too over the top at $49.95. It is, however, the only slim 15 and 1/2 neck 34 length arm shirt I have ever seen.

04/30/2005 21:19 #31900

Tear Down The Central Terminal
Category: central terminal
Okay, that title was just to catch your eye. I really don't care about the Central Terminal much either way. But I do care about that time when they had unmasked children sweeping up nasty debris.

During my rigorous search of the internet to find links to the site I came up with this forum talking about me and my journal. Michael Miller begins by refering to my article about the terminal (e:paul,31144) last year that criticized the use of unprotected child labor in a cleanup effort at the terminal. I would like to take this time to bring some more attention to the situation. My favorite is the death threat at the bottom of this entry that I highlighted from Mark Lewandowski if The 107th Air Refueling Wing

I can't believe that these people cared about what I said enough for the conversation to develop so deeply. I have a connection to the building too. Yes,my family arrived from Italy via the Central Station and settled in Buffalo. I still believe having unprotected workers in an unventilated area, to preserve people's memories si ridiculous. What about the health of the children. They are at an age when expopsure is really risky.

Thu Dec 16 08:14:10 EST 2004

Hi guys! I just found this blog from the Elmwood Strip website. He
describes the terminal as in crappy condition and "toxic". It pretty
much blasts us for allowing a child to sweep the floors, unmasked. He
also links to our site. I don't feel that replying to this blogger will
do anything positive, but we should take extreme care to avoid these
possible situations in the future.

from: [Pr] Bad Publicity

This guy has a lot of personal issues and could use some "be nice pills" for Christmas. I am surprised that he remains in the Western New York area since he is willing to give up so easily. I would not respond to any negatives unless they made the normal news outlets.

He does have one very valid point about the paper masks. They do not offer a sufficient level of protection for anyone. I would suggest that at the absolute minimum a 3M mask that has a N95 rating be used but of course a respirator and goggles are the better choice. There is no doubt that asbestos is in the building but it is also all around as is radon and many other human unfriendly chemicals.

The picture of the kid with the broom looks very staged notice the area appears to be fairly clean so I would think that he was not deeply involved in the clean up and someone gave him the broom for a cute photo.

We all assume a degree of chance in everything we do in life. Getting behind a steering wheel, walking down stairs without holding the railing etc. But we can also freely choose what level of protection to use. It would be great to have the bucks to use professionals for all the clean ups but then again it would be great to have a good developer fall from the skies with a ton of cash.

Not-so-ancient proverb says, "Blogs are like buttholes. Everyone has one and most of them stink." You can't get upset about one person's opinion. In fact, there's lots of people out there that share the opinion that the Terminal should be torn down. There's [hopefully] more people that feel it should be saved.

You can take the same picture of the kid sweeping and put a caption such as,
"Neighborhood kids help out restoring Buffalo landmark" and you get a
completely different take on it.


It is obvious that this individual has abused the privilege of access the
building to take pictures etc.

The "workers" are families taking pride in their neighborhood.

I guess just because he never had any memories of the place, do to the fact
he said it wasn't around that long, he should not refuse the terminal's past and future existence. (Gee based on his logic, I guess that World War II
was meaningless because it only lasted 5 years, and therefore no memories.)

I hope I don't run into this person anywhere......I'll tie this F***ing
idiot to the active tracks behind the building to give him a memorable experience.
Link from Mark.Lewandowski at

The health issues are valid. Has a trained/educated professional been consulted regarding hazardous materials in the building and how to remove properly/safely? If not there should be and if we do have qualified personel on this we should advertise it (website to start?).
Beyond that the guy's opinions are very narrow minded and short sighted. The fact that he fails to see the difference in the aeshtetic qualities of the architecture of the Central Terminal versus the Airport prove it. Also it's that type of "why does anybody care" mentality that has caused so many roadblocks to progress in WNY (new Peace bridge?).
This is not worth resopnding to directly but maybe he has done us a favor in reminding us what we are up against and we need to be careful.
Sorry I'm so long winded!

The air and water quality was certified as safe in 2003, before the
public events began. I have the results on file. We will probably retest
this season, as per a suggestion made by Jeff Ingersoll.

This guy (blog) obviously never grew up and found that his "play" palace has
fallen into the hands of a mature responsible group of Adults that have proven
... to many ... they can make a difference! He is probably a current or ex
city govt. official that left the landmark terminal to the forces neglect and
deterioration and hopes to cover his tracks!
