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04/28/2005 02:12 #31888

Social Evening - Last poetry class
My last poetry class was finished with a dinner at Biblios, a lebanese restaurant somewhere off of campbell road near millersport. The food was tasty and not too expensive. I met people from Squeaky Wheel and got to have a conversation with Steffan. He said to (e:shawnr) and I - You know the feeling when you workout and then you go shower but your heart is still racing and you are all sweaty afterwards. I have no idea how that feels. I doubt shawn does either. I seriously don't ever excerise, maybe I should try it sometime. I guess it is supposed to be healthy but somehow, everytime I try and excercise, I end up hurting myself and deciding it is an unnecessary danger.

I love how (e:shawnr) is always trying to promote the site. It is so nice to hear someone else promote it. I should start some awards program for bringing in new writers! I hate promoting it myself because it is my project and then I feel like I am bragging about it but when someone else promotes it, it is just nice. By the way, there is plenty of room for lots of new people now, and if I get the job I will buy a T1 in celebration and have even more space.

After dinner I droped people off and ended up at (e:robin) 's . She is sick, just like liz. I hope I don't catch it. They were all going to the pink but I decided against hanging out with sick people. It just sounded too dangerous and I had to pick up (e:terry) at 1:20am anyways.

Tomorrow is a busy day. Install Linux on the new server, plan my interview lesson, visit the gallery space, teach a class, meet with jesse and finish the radio thing. One week left of grad school. It seems totally unreal.

04/27/2005 19:25 #31887

Joerg Piringer
He is so much like (e:terry) . He even looks and acts more like him than terry's brother. He is part of a band than performs live using instruments all made out of vegtables.

04/27/2005 18:16 #31886

Art or escape?
Here I am watching this amazing austrian sound poet when the fire alarm goes off. The apocalyptic fire alarm noise blends in so well with the language remix that everyone ignores it. The room is made of 100% plastic fibre. Will I finally become a cyrborg, when the controls melt to my skin? No one is leaving, it kind of feels like the moment when no one believed the titanic was sinking. At least I imagine.

Maybe joerg piringer is playing our final tune? Maybe - vielleicht, maybe vielleicht?

04/27/2005 14:56 #31885

Laywers Call
So some lawyers called in regards to my PC magazine article [inlink]paul,3253[/inlink]. Both of the lawyers were former employees of the federal trade commission looking to get information about how the Adobe Macromedia merger would stifle competition and innovation. They wanted to know exactly how their software overlapped and where it didn't.

afterwards I was talking with Ben and he compared it to a merger between marvel and dc or pepsi and coke. It is true. What is going to happen to graphics design. Will a company like correl pick up a new position or will all competition be squashed. I mean what if these weren't graphic design companies. What if they were telecoms or stores. Would the government let the merger happen. Probably.

04/27/2005 00:53 #31884

Wow, I can't believe that
I found this quote on my thesis advisors web journal. He is great, I hope to be able to work with him in the future. I seriously can't believe that the other professor would say this, even if he felt that way. It just seems so totally unprofessional. I am glad I work at a liberal arts school where they still care about teaching.

A couple of weeks ago a group of students complained that a colleague of mine (also pre-tenure) started out a class by telling the students that he "got paid to do research" and that teaching was just something he had to get through. That seems like an odd thing to think, let alone to say, but it's part of the mantra here, and I suspect at many top research universities. I also got into this because I like research, but why would you become a professor if you weren't going to work at becoming a good one?Quoted from: Alex Halavais