Here are some pics back when I could walk and travel. It is almost hard to rememeber. This is 2001 during our trip around North America. We started in Flasgtaff, went to Phoenix, then went Yuma, then to Las Vegas, then up the coast eventuallly to SF, then oregon, then washington, then vancouver. AT that point we lost our indian guide. Then we headed all over Canada bringing hitchikers to a concert. Somehow we ended up in edmington. Eventually we got to south Dakota. Then on to Buffalo where I have a feeling I am going to spend the rest of my life. Those were the fun days 2000, I seriously can't believe that was five years ago.
Look I can walk.
Here we are at the ocean up north. I have lost of footage of this and plan to ake of remixed video of it someday when I am bored.
Terrya and the indian with Lady Liberty
Me and Terry in a giant tree
Our bikes before they flew of the car on the highway and died
Weird mix of the statue of liberty and marilyn monroe
Terry with his mom
Terry with his dad