(e:mike) [inlink]mike,317[/inlink] I know that we are not as fun as your friends, but you can hang out with us whenever.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/13/2005 13:09 #31737
Not as good as friends03/13/2005 00:35 #31736
Searches that lead hereThis is so funny. I was looking through search keywords that lead people to this site form google and this was in the top ten.
Who are the people that search the web like they talk to their friend.
lookup very sexy porno pictures with bridgette wilson s very long hair showing down to her ass
Who are the people that search the web like they talk to their friend.
03/14/2005 12:56 #31735
Paper Work - Phase 1 CompleteToday marks the day that my entire Application to Candidacy paperwork is complete. This doesn't mean that it will be accepted, although I believe it will be, but it means that one of the most laborious, time sucking processes of my entire life is over. Looking back on it, it was horrible. If I had any more time to donate I would have offered to make a completely digital, online form site for it. Maybe I still will in the summer, if my written thesis is completed early but for now I am just glad that this phase is over.
03/13/2005 13:59 #31734
Robot Transcends Formats03/12/2005 02:18 #31733
Kenmore and Screen ShotsCategory: kenmore
[inlink]uncutsaniflush,19[/inlink] (e:uncutsaniflush) . I hope you really don't think that people are thinking you aren't cool enough or not young enough!! The average age on the site is over 30. I sent you a couple messages about the screen shot asking you if you had a picture of the entire console, like the other ones. In the message I said, if not I would just include the screenshot. It is my fault for saying screen shot in the email. I got a couple others, like (e:shawnr) and asked him the same thing.
[size=m]The important part[/size]
Anyways, onto Kenmore. I lived there from age 1 to age 18 and I have to say it seems sort of like living in some sort of twillight zone episode police state. Not to mention how incredibly cancerous it is [inlink]paul,395[/inlink]. Check out the stats on the epa site or just search it out here.
If you are to leave Linheaven, I would suggest North Buffalo over Kenmore anyday. The hertel area is pretty nice.
[size=m]The important part[/size]
Anyways, onto Kenmore. I lived there from age 1 to age 18 and I have to say it seems sort of like living in some sort of twillight zone episode police state. Not to mention how incredibly cancerous it is [inlink]paul,395[/inlink]. Check out the stats on the epa site or just search it out here.
If you are to leave Linheaven, I would suggest North Buffalo over Kenmore anyday. The hertel area is pretty nice.