I am quite nervous about the day, as it begins at 8:00am so that I can get to North Campus by 9:15. I suppose it will work out and I will end up having access to many new electronic parts that will fulfill my hardware dreams.
I wonder what my life would be like if every day could have 8 more hours. Or better yet if the meaningless tasks and hoop jumping could be erased from my schedule. It is so unfortunate that I feel like right now I am at the peak of my productive time as an artist, programmer, designer and I am spending countless hours filling out forms. Take for example today's resume production time. It is still not done, but I spent the good part of four hours assembling a resume for a job upgrade that I am hoping for. It is not terribly important because of the million and a half other potential job offers, but it would make me quite happy and validate the money I spent on "training" myself to be an authority [inlink]robin,339[/inlink] of digital communication art.
I got rid of the snowflakes on the site today. It felt liberating to say, "enough, no more snow" to my computer. If only the weather could be interfaced so easily.