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01/27/2005 00:45 #31609

The mailman and filesharing
I redid the code it is better now but the whole thing seems really inefficient somehow. I guess it is starting to be fun. Does anyone remember text based RPGs. This screen reminded me so much of my VIC 20 back in the early 80s. I think it was even before (e:mike) 's time. Then we got the commodore 64. I am so sad that I never got a modem at that time. i wonder how different my life would have been if I had been wired at an earlier age. Not just an earlier age for me, but an earlier age for the internet.


Our version of filesharing was the mailman. He would bring a round a list of all of the software other people on the route had for tehir commodore 64, which was pretty pervasive back then. Then we would offere trades and he would copy and drop off disks. It was very similar to kazaa or emule just really manual.

I even rememeber copying programs on audio tape during that time. Does anyone have any early days on the net stories they can share. Or other experience with other net communities on a local level.


' {$STAMP BS2}
DEBUG "code start", CR


dir VAR Word 'current direction
old_dir VAR Word ' last direction

north VAR Byte 'keep tabs on # of times up was pressed
south VAR Byte 'keep tabs on # of times down was pressed
west VAR Byte 'keep tabs on # of times left was pressed
east VAR Byte 'keep tabs on # of times right was pressed

Index VAR Nib ' Define normal nibble variable.


'reset dir for next test loop
old_dir = dir
dir = 0

IF IN12 <> 1 THEN sloop
dir = 1
north = north + 1

IF IN13 <> 1 THEN wloop
dir = dir + 10
south = south + 1

IF IN14 <> 1 THEN eloop
dir = dir + 100
west = west + 1

IF IN15 <> 1 THEN printloop
dir = dir + 1000
east = east + 1


IF dir = 0 THEN nothing_pressed 'don't print anything because nothing is being pressed
DEBUG CLS 'clear the screen

'determine the direction
IF dir = 1 THEN goNorth
IF dir = 100 THEN goSouth
IF dir = 10 THEN goEast
IF dir = 1000 THEN goWest

'angled directions
IF dir = 11 THEN goNorthEast
IF dir = 1001 THEN goNorthWest
IF dir = 110 THEN goSouthEast
IF dir = 1100 THEN goSouthWest


DEBUG ? north
DEBUG ? south
DEBUG ? west
DEBUG ? east
PAUSE 200 'pause before next pole

IF north > 15 THEN winloop 'if the user pressed up 15 times then go to the winning loop

GOTO test

DEBUG "you are going north", CR
GOTO totals

DEBUG "you are going south", CR
GOTO totals

DEBUG "you are going east", CR
GOTO totals

DEBUG "you are going west", CR
GOTO totals

DEBUG "you are going northeast", CR
GOTO totals

DEBUG "you are going northwest", CR
GOTO totals

DEBUG "you are going southeast", CR
GOTO totals

DEBUG "you are going southwest", CR
GOTO totals

nothing_pressed: 'nothing is pressed try again, don't bother pausing
GOTO test

DEBUG "You won by pressing the north button 15 times"


01/26/2005 23:01 #31608

My advisor worries
One of my thesis advisors, asked me today if I was enrolled in the MFA program. This is the same program which I have attended for three years and will be graduating from this summer. That is insane.

01/26/2005 18:57 #31607

This is the stupidest language ever
I started writing this all to basic code. I hate it no functions, no classes, no strings as far as i can tell. You can't even have an if statement assign a value. it can only run a loop. At first I thought that it would make it easy. It just makes it way harder as I started out with functions and OOP. I don't think I ever want to use a basic stamp after this. maybe t's just beginner irritation.

Yes that is a Virgin Mary candle in on my computer desk. (e:matthew) just got it for me. I think it is helping my basic stamp.


The simple serial joystick code I wrote

' {$STAMP BS2}
DEBUG "code start", CR

up VAR Bit
down VAR Bit
left VAR Bit
right VAR Bit

upcount VAR Byte 'keep tabs on # of times up was pressed
downcount VAR Byte 'keep tabs on # of times down was pressed
leftcount VAR Byte 'keep tabs on # of times left was pressed
rightcount VAR Byte 'keep tabs on # of times right was pressed

Index VAR Nib ' Define normal nibble variable.

'reset values for next test loop
up = 0
down = 0
left = 0
right = 0

IF IN12 <> 1 THEN downloop
up = 1
upcount = upcount + 1

IF IN13 <> 1 THEN leftloop
down = 1
downcount = downcount + 1

IF IN14 <> 1 THEN rightloop
left = 1
leftcount = leftcount + 1

IF IN15 <> 1 THEN printloop
right = 1
rightcount = rightcount + 1


IF up + down + left + right = 0 THEN nothing_pressed 'don't print anything because nothing is being pressed
DEBUG "total ", ? upcount
DEBUG "total ", ? downcount
DEBUG "total ", ? leftcount
DEBUG "total ", ? rightcount
PAUSE 200 'pause before next pole
IF upcount > 15 THEN winloop 'if the user pressed up 15 times then go to the winning loop

GOTO test

nothing_pressed: 'nothing is pressed try again, don't bother pausing
GOTO test

DEBUG "You won by pressing the up button 15 times"


01/26/2005 04:29 #31606

School is Really Tedious
All of this preparing to graduate is starting to be more work than the actual academic work. I finally got all of my syllabi togther. i decided to start cataloging everything online to keep it safe. I scanned everything I had from school tonight and uploaded. Now if I ever need copies of anything I can simply grab them off the web. I think everyone should start digitalizing their life. It is definately way more fireproof than paper.

01/26/2005 02:34 #31605

Thanks for making me feel good
(e:twisted) wrote this a while back. She has really been an inspiration into my continued work with online cmmunity development. Thanks for being there.
