I took the day off from life in order to recode old parts of the site to be more liek the new code I write. Well actually, I just ike redoing stuff a year or two later because it is always so much fun to see how much better you get at it.
Each time I revisit old stuff, I say, oh man, why did you do it that way, but redoing is really fun and about a thousand times easier than when I was first learning several years ago.
The help files should be up in no time. i had to rewrite the classes for the stylebox and the media upload to work for it, but soon it will be totally done.
There is still one spot under my name on google that is not me
(GOOGLE - "paul visco") . I need to overtake it so I can own my own google page.
Tomorrow I have to go see Nonna again. I have gone the last three days but tomorrow no one els ewill be there. My dad and brother got sick and my mother has to work. I hope that Nonna remembers to speak english tomorrow. I told her she has to practice tonight.
While I was there today she kept saying "duo gatto" and i wasn't sure what she meant and then I rememebered that
(e:lilho) IMed
(e:mike) the other day that
(e:twisted) had brought two cats to buffalo with her in her suitcase. It was just a a joke but lots of people were over and
(e:lilho) forgot to tell
(e:mike) it was just a joke. he told my mother, who told nonna at the hospital who was then asking me about the "duo gatto" (two cats) in italian. It's funny how that got around. Everyone was laughing cause they all know my feeelings about cats.