Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/20/2004 21:53 #31515
New Nav BoxI updated the nav box once again. Now when you clos eit, it returns you to the top of the page. It is also draggable. If you click on the T it brings you to whever you have the "Top Twelve List" if you click on C it brings you to wherever the chat is. S toggles the scrollbars although it works them both on and off.

12/20/2004 17:42 #31514
Updates are making me crazyI have been updatign javascripts more. Now there is a title nav box. It is found between the scroll bar toggle and the large print icon at the top. Here is what the nav Box on ewest looks like. The one here is the same but green. There are a few littl ebugs with the movement arrows that I am working on but it generally works well to quickly navigate around the site..

12/19/2004 21:00 #31513
A challenging day of javascriptingI finally finsihed the scroll, large print javascripts. writing javascripts is not all that tough, however, making them work on every system is. As far as I can tell the scroll and no_scroll witch works on FireFox for Mac and PC, IE for Mac and PC, and safari. Having checked anything else but I can't see why it wouldn't work in netscape either. I am so glad it is done. Now I can move onto other thing.
When you are logged in it defaults to the prefererences you have set in your preferences control panel. You can alwasy change you preferences or simply click the S in a circle at the top of any journal.
The large print icons also work on every browser now, so all you blind people can still read the entries, I will be adding a preference for that too.
When you are logged in it defaults to the prefererences you have set in your preferences control panel. You can alwasy change you preferences or simply click the S in a circle at the top of any journal.
The large print icons also work on every browser now, so all you blind people can still read the entries, I will be adding a preference for that too.
12/19/2004 15:57 #31512
Twisted is CommingTwisted is coming to etown. I am so excited. We will eat sushi and communicate without typing. I wonder if my finger will twitch while talking to her, haha.
The scroll and no scroll switch at the top of the journal now works totally with javascript so that you no longer need to reload the page between switching styles. The large print icon at the bottom of each journal entry works the same. I will probably be adding a lot more stuff in the near future but right now I have to go grade papers again.
(e:soyeon) , have a good flight to Korea, we will miss you. I am sure I will keep in contact with you while you are there.
The scroll and no scroll switch at the top of the journal now works totally with javascript so that you no longer need to reload the page between switching styles. The large print icon at the bottom of each journal entry works the same. I will probably be adding a lot more stuff in the near future but right now I have to go grade papers again.
(e:soyeon) , have a good flight to Korea, we will miss you. I am sure I will keep in contact with you while you are there.