Twisted is coming to etown. I am so excited. We will eat sushi and communicate without typing. I wonder if my finger will twitch while talking to her, haha.
The scroll and no scroll switch at the top of the journal now works totally with javascript so that you no longer need to reload the page between switching styles. The large print icon at the bottom of each journal entry works the same. I will probably be adding a lot more stuff in the near future but right now I have to go grade papers again.
(e:soyeon) , have a good flight to Korea, we will miss you. I am sure I will keep in contact with you while you are there.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/19/2004 15:57 #31512
Twisted is Comming12/18/2004 04:01 #31511
Moka looks open again12/17/2004 17:29 #31510
Emily And EvanEmily and Even came to towna t about 2:00am this morning. I stayed up and talked to them before fixing the spell check and then sleeping till noon. After that I went with (e:mike) to Canisius so that I could drop off a copy of my exam and pick up the last of the student work to grade.
Evan bought (e:terry) this great video game
where you are some sort of magnetic ball called a Katamari and you collect everything in site for the king of the universe. it's pretty fun to watch. I would have loved to be the modeler for this game. Everything is so low polygon and cute.

Tonight, I am heading over to (e:soyeon) 's with (e:terry) and sang for some tasty Korean food and to discuss the poster. Does anyone have access to a print shop for the posters/postcards when they are done?
Evan bought (e:terry) this great video game

Tonight, I am heading over to (e:soyeon) 's with (e:terry) and sang for some tasty Korean food and to discuss the poster. Does anyone have access to a print shop for the posters/postcards when they are done?
12/16/2004 16:06 #31509
Grading The TardyI am spending the day grading all those late assignments that people should have handed in months ago. Nothing makes me angrier then when they are late and I have to search for them. Especially seeing as the class has it's own journal site, where all the assignments should be posted. So what do you think that means for someone who posted last in late September.
If you are a student and reading this, especially if you are my student, note that when teachers have tons of late work to grade, they get angry and unhappy. Angry and unhappy grading makes for bad grades.
Here is the formula:
Late assignments = angry bad grades.
The worst case ever was this student of mine named Megan who waited until 7AM the day grades were due at 9AM. I would never let that happen now. I used to be a pushover for late assignments. Next semester I will accept none. One day late = 0.
If you are a student and reading this, especially if you are my student, note that when teachers have tons of late work to grade, they get angry and unhappy. Angry and unhappy grading makes for bad grades.
Here is the formula:
Late assignments = angry bad grades.
The worst case ever was this student of mine named Megan who waited until 7AM the day grades were due at 9AM. I would never let that happen now. I used to be a pushover for late assignments. Next semester I will accept none. One day late = 0.
12/16/2004 04:38 #31508
g'night estripI can't even tell you what a dramatic day this was for me and (e:twisted) on the site. Everything is good now. My title is intentially cryptic as a little joke between us. We spent the day hunting down all the "illegal" characters that had to be "stripped". Sounds exotic and really naughty, but trust me it wasn't as funa s it sounds.
For a while we had to delete the entire site. You may have noticed an hour or so when you couldn't update between 2 and 3am. Those were the most fun times when I realized I had changed the date of about 3000 journal entries to 12/15/04 at 21:38. Thankfully we had a backup.
Without (e:twisted) 's help and (e:terry) 's tasty enchiladas I would have died. I owe you guys.
For a while we had to delete the entire site. You may have noticed an hour or so when you couldn't update between 2 and 3am. Those were the most fun times when I realized I had changed the date of about 3000 journal entries to 12/15/04 at 21:38. Thankfully we had a backup.
Without (e:twisted) 's help and (e:terry) 's tasty enchiladas I would have died. I owe you guys.