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12/12/2004 23:17 #31500

Ventilation Continued
In an effort to rid the house of the extremely toxic varnish smell, our landlord Jim Leong finally decided to use a fan. Last night his solution was for us to open all the windows while it was snowing and about 30 degress. Why would he ever have work done in a non-ventilated area where people are living? The worker left saying he was dizzy and couldn''t see right.

I suggested opening the windows downstairs where the toxic mess was so it would dry and ventilate and was so we could breathe. He opened one little kitchen window. For a while I was almost thowing up from the smell. It was so sick.

He then told me to open our windows and turn the heat on to air it out. Unfortunately, it turned out the heating vents were connected by accident (bad work on the workers part according to Jim Leong) and the toxic mess came upstairs.

With no notice he has done this for two days. I am sure it will continue. Everthing tastes like paint thinner. Yesterday, they forgot to ventilate at all. Today, after 5 calls he chose a simple 1 foot in diamter office fan.


Can that be up to code. I guess the stuff is only known to be cancerous in the state of california.

We ended up having to shut off all the heat and start the fireplace up. Of course a bunch of plants are dying now and the $2000 saltwater ecosystem has been majorly affected.

A mistake such as connecting the heating vents isn't so unbelievable as they have made so many other mistakes at this point, like when they drilled through the floor upstiars and a piece of the ceiling collapsed on me and my camera [inlink]paul,2450[/inlink].


Now you would think that any reasonable human being would have the foresight to use an exhaust fan or some sort of full size room fan as the house was so intensily toxic. The smell I woke up to was like having a permanent marker shoved up your nose. This all happend of course with no notice.

When I asked him to put us up somewhere till it was over, he told me we complain too much and cost him too much money. I am so sick of suffering for his financial gain. I have surely been exposed to lead paint dust, toxic levels of surface chemicals, spray painting in our hall while it was totally unventilated, etc. Not to mention when the ceiling fell on my head, numerous days with no water or electricity and worst of all the constant hammering and banging of nonstop construction for two months.

The construction workers and Jim Leong also continuously entered our apartment without permission or prior notice which is totally illegal according to "Rent Smart - A Consumer Guide to Residential Leases" page 39 section 14. "Tenant must allow Landlord to come into the apartment but only on reasonable notice and during reasonable hours."

This is all so he can fucking get richer. The real question is, how did he get a permit to change this house into a 5 unit apartment rooming house when all of our neighbors are against it.

Whoever, moves into this apartment is crazy. Jim Leong does not care about the wellbeing of his tenants and is a notorious liar. I can't even count the number of time he has lied directly to my face. He always claims it was a misunderstanding.

Like when I said Jim Leong, how is is it possible that I came home and a worker was in my apartment taking stuff out of my closet. he said that it must have been a misunderstanding. What does that even mean. I said who gave them a key Jim Leong, You must have. He then told me directly that he did not give any of them a key.

Later a worker confirmed that Jim did offer him a key. I can't even believe he tried to pretend it was normal for us to live under such circumstances. I asked him if he thought it would be safe for his family and even invited him to spend the night in the toxic smell with us, if h
e thought it
was so safe.

Jim Leong, you are an evil man. I hope you suffer in hell for the way you treat people for money. You are the pure blackness of satan.

I also heard through the grapevine, that his insurance claim about his previous restaurant on elmwood that burned down didn't go through for so long because he is supected of insurance fraud. It wouldn't surprise me in the least. Although I could even more likely believe that it was a mistake on the behalf of cheap restards that he hired to work for him in order to save on money.

You can't even imagine the painter that painted the entired two floor hall with no ventilation. His poor brain.

Someone else also pointed out that the plastic springler pipes in the hall should be behind fire retardant drywall. Appraently, that is what the "For unexposed use only" stamp on them means. Too bad they are completely exposed. I imagine that in a fire they would simply melt at the bottom and become puddles.

12/12/2004 15:55 #31499

Varnish Augmented Reality
Well, you may wonder where I have been. I have so much work to do, but I have had to flee my apartment for 2 days because the monkeys that are doing construction in our buiilding connected the heated ducks incorrectly and then used varnish in an unventolated apartment. The landlord refused to open the windows and instead of a large ventilating fan, used a little 1 foot diamter office desk fan.

I sick, I can taste it with all the windows open. Right now I am waiting for him to arrive living inside a blanket filter. It's like living in a cigarette.

12/11/2004 16:07 #31498

India Gate
India gate on elmwood is so tasty. Their lunch buffet is really a deal, especially if you are hungry. One thing I ntoiced that is a little strange was a giant poster of indian corn of the americas that was definately referring to native americans. Do you think it was a joke?

12/11/2004 02:25 #31497

The bar was out of golschlager so I had to resort to gin and tonics.

12/11/2004 01:21 #31496

E:strip West
Sorry estripeast, estripwest got all my attention today. It is really getting cuter now. I like having two looks. Check out the ewest link at the top of this page. Here is what is it looks like. Finally (e:twisted) can tell all her friends I exist and we don't have to be all hush hush, lol.


Okay, I am going to get drisunk like a chipcrunk.