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12/12/2004 15:55 #31499

Varnish Augmented Reality
Well, you may wonder where I have been. I have so much work to do, but I have had to flee my apartment for 2 days because the monkeys that are doing construction in our buiilding connected the heated ducks incorrectly and then used varnish in an unventolated apartment. The landlord refused to open the windows and instead of a large ventilating fan, used a little 1 foot diamter office desk fan.

I sick, I can taste it with all the windows open. Right now I am waiting for him to arrive living inside a blanket filter. It's like living in a cigarette.

12/11/2004 16:07 #31498

India Gate
India gate on elmwood is so tasty. Their lunch buffet is really a deal, especially if you are hungry. One thing I ntoiced that is a little strange was a giant poster of indian corn of the americas that was definately referring to native americans. Do you think it was a joke?

12/11/2004 02:25 #31497

The bar was out of golschlager so I had to resort to gin and tonics.

12/11/2004 01:21 #31496

E:strip West
Sorry estripeast, estripwest got all my attention today. It is really getting cuter now. I like having two looks. Check out the ewest link at the top of this page. Here is what is it looks like. Finally (e:twisted) can tell all her friends I exist and we don't have to be all hush hush, lol.


Okay, I am going to get drisunk like a chipcrunk.

12/10/2004 21:21 #31495

Phone Messages
People leave the weirdest messages on our answering machine. This one wins for most entertaining. Well, maybe afer my father's "This is your mamma and your pappa" one.
I wonder if (e:Rachel) is going.