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Paul's Journal

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12/11/2004 02:25 #31497

The bar was out of golschlager so I had to resort to gin and tonics.

12/11/2004 01:21 #31496

E:strip West
Sorry estripeast, estripwest got all my attention today. It is really getting cuter now. I like having two looks. Check out the ewest link at the top of this page. Here is what is it looks like. Finally (e:twisted) can tell all her friends I exist and we don't have to be all hush hush, lol.


Okay, I am going to get drisunk like a chipcrunk.

12/10/2004 21:21 #31495

Phone Messages
People leave the weirdest messages on our answering machine. This one wins for most entertaining. Well, maybe afer my father's "This is your mamma and your pappa" one.
I wonder if (e:Rachel) is going.


12/10/2004 20:19 #31494


The art gallery has free friday night entry and its open till 10PM. We saw the tree that everyone was raving about. It sucked. It sucked so bad.


It looks like someone figured out how to use a computer and has some sort of connections. There was nothing innovative or really original about it.

I am so done with non-reactive computer installation work. Even the video itself had akward pops between the seasons instead of smooth morphs that would have made it interesting.

Otherwise the museum was quite interesting. The best was the self portrait series in by Gillian Wearing.


(GOOGLE - "Gillian Wearing")

I just found the weirdest site that ranks artsits into graphed info. Here is the info for Gillian Wearing.

12/10/2004 16:26 #31493

What A Day
It's over. The new lease has been signed, we are officially moving on up to linwood.


I was up till 7am working on estripwest, although it is really easy to transfer the site, I needed some new graphics and a startup sound. (e:twisted) is the admin and pretty much the only person I trust with that.

I am so exited to get out of this apartment. I has really been under constant construction since september. The best part is that laundry machines are not only available, but included.