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Paul's Journal

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11/13/2004 18:34 #31429

Linky Dink
I was searching for site related stuff on the new msn search beta when I came across a link to a picture of me labeled paul from (just choose it from the list on that page. Small world


11/13/2004 18:00 #31428

But Rather Probability
No one can say it better than Kimya.


11/13/2004 14:57 #31427

Dear Talent Scout and Venture Capitalist
[size=m]Where are the talent scouts?[/size]
Dear Venture Capitalists and Web Talent Scouts,
Where are you? I think I have proven that I am extremely capable of making magic on the web. I coded every scrap of this site by hand. This isn't some prefab crap that I just filled in the blanks for. There is nothing that I don't own the rights to. As a matter of fact, I made most of it in notepad, that should speak for itself. Did you not notice the fact that the journals now fit on the page even you change the window size, and that the spell check works really well. Have you seen the chat commands or uploaded a journal from your phone.

Why have you not offered me a lucritive deal I cannot refuse, one that makes me want to quit school and sign onto some contract prefereably in SF, Seatle, Vancouver or Berlin/Hamburg? And no, I don't mean the person asking me to make them some lame static website for $3000. I would like a real job $$$ developing highly dynamic content and preferably porting my own system to some commercial product for other communities that you can then sell it to.

Where is my marketing team, and where are my customer service agents? Maybe I should just go back to school for business.

P.S. Fear not estripers, your site will not change. I want this to be the coolest free site on the web and won't change that because you are my communty and I owe something back to it, but I sure as hell would like to work making something similar to make profit so that I could pay for all of this at least.

Why did I think about this now?
How come everyone can turn everything into profit accept for me. Did everyone see the on (e:lisa) 's journal [inlink]lisa,156[/inlink] where that guy made a site where everyone uploaded an "I am sorry" about the election pics. It is brilliant but what is even crazier is that there is a store attached. How is it that he makes money off of something that offeres no real services and i make things that offer unmatched services and make no money. Maybe we should seel estrip merchandise, would anyone buy an estrip hoodie or hat, col?

On another note, at this very late period, I am thinking about drastically changing my thesis to be about creating tool for docuementary creation. Who knows.

11/13/2004 14:42 #31426

Morning Tastiness
(e:terry) got up this morning and started making tasty breakfast. It looks so yummy and I think eggs are going to be added to this mix, yum!

Tasty food makes me productive, so lets all hope for resizeable journal scrollbars to work on safari too.


11/13/2004 01:24 #31425

New Updates en Masse
After watching this insane movie about a silent actress who went crazy on her gigolo I got busy coding and came up with lots of site improvements. You guys should notice major speed increases. Also, when it snows, the site snows, when not then no snow - thanks to the national Weather Service. The web cam is at the top.

[size=m]Scroll Bars and Resize[/size]
Best of all the journal now automatically resizes as the window does so that you no longer have to double scroll. Double scrolling sucked, I am so glad it's over.

[size=m]Spell Check[/size]
I update the spell check, it is way better than before. I would say that it is officially marketable whatever that means. If you know someone who want to buy it for use on forms with their site I can work on licensing it out.

[size=m]Chat Commands[/size]
The chat commands are faster, simply type help in the chat window under the search box to find out what the commands are