For the last year this site was hosted on Two weekd ago I switched the site to a new server at monster hosting

. It was not that they had a better deal, in fact it was more expensive, but what they did offer was reliable service, knowledgeable customer service, and most importantly PHP5, XML, soap, imap, pspell, and pdflib support.
So I figured it was all over with and their crappy service untill today when I noticed they debited my paypal card for $90.00. I never even gave them my paypal account, so I have no idea how they thought it was acceptable to debit from it for another year of service. Even the customer service rep was perplexed. She said you originally paid with a visa and there wasn't any indication of a paypal account on your account. Her name was Cathy (251) and she was the only knowledgeable customer service rep I ever spoke with at globat. I mean they promise you the stars in terms of products and services but my experience with them was shitty (I actualy chose another word but the spell check insisted on shitty so I thought I would go with it) customer support, tons or errors, no notification on server upgrades or scheduled downtime and irritation upon irritation. Not to mention that all the tech reps pretended to be Americans with names like Debbie and Suzi when they had the thickest Indian accents. That kind of deception makes me so angry. I got so sick of spelling out each word I was saying because they could not understand even the simplest problems.
So Cathy was an American and maybe all of billing is. Thank you Cathy for being so understanding. She was able to credit my paypal account almost immediately with confirmation #DXPVAMTIV ( for the record).