Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/30/2004 03:11 #31276
Completeing the circleI was looking at the incomming link
from the western ny msuic board on the site and noticed this forum about Pano's demolatition plans where Dan posted a link to (e:metalpeter) 's journal. I had to post it to complete the circle. I mean that is what the web is about.

09/29/2004 23:52 #31275
FindmeCategory: design
09/29/2004 16:06 #31274
Total WordsNow that i have reorganzied the way that the toal number of words per user is calculated, I can make quick calculations for the site. So on the home page (e:info) you can now find total words for the site listed in the site statistics. We are almost at 1,000,000 words written - 940,728 to be exact. I guess these words will get added to that. We should definately have a 1,000,000 words party. I remember when we celebrated 1,000,000 letters!
09/29/2004 11:59 #31273
Morning Banter and Radio IssuesWould anyone like to host a radio show? You could send us the show on CD or we could arrange to host it live. Just IM me "paulsidekick" if you are interested.
Is there anyone who would like to be sending pictures from their phone-cam to their journals but doesn't know how. If so, feel free to IM me about that to.
So I have about 10 site projects going on and I can't decide whch ones to focus on anymore. I would tell you all about them but then I would have to kill all of you as they are top secret, hahaha.
Today my students are going to end up putting their 3D models into some web interactive format. I wish Canisius would buy at least one adequate PC for school because so many things are not possible on a mac. Not that macs are that bad, and it is getting better all the time, but one functional PC with a decent graphics card is not asking to much.
Is there anyone who would like to be sending pictures from their phone-cam to their journals but doesn't know how. If so, feel free to IM me about that to.
So I have about 10 site projects going on and I can't decide whch ones to focus on anymore. I would tell you all about them but then I would have to kill all of you as they are top secret, hahaha.
Today my students are going to end up putting their 3D models into some web interactive format. I wish Canisius would buy at least one adequate PC for school because so many things are not possible on a mac. Not that macs are that bad, and it is getting better all the time, but one functional PC with a decent graphics card is not asking to much.