So we have over 125 members now and I would really like to see that number grow to about 300 over the next couple months. At that point we will have a really good base to define what was the elmwood experience during our time here. I would like to branch out in some more in terms of user background, hopefully picking up some more younger people and some more older adults. Right now our average age is around 24-29.
I am also working on developing some new stuff and a new look although that might have to wait till my other projects are done.
Today, I sent an article about our site to Alt Press

. I hope they carry it. I have been meaning to talk to more news sources about it but was so discouraged after the Artvoice,, and west side times let down.
[size=m]Art Voice[/size]
When I wrote to artvoice telling them about the site, I thought they would be excited about the development of a free local site where people could have a "local" voice on the internet. I was kind of hoping for an article but instead was offered a classified ad for free or a $500 spread. I was not interested in spending $500 on them. I chose neither. I have worked so hard for this project to be free and I felt like they were trying to exploit me.
Then I had a similar experience with No need to retell it here, you can read it on the entry from the time it happend [inlink]paul,1818[/inlink].
[size=m]West Side Times[/size]
Then we wrote to the west side times. Didn't even get a response!
I guess that is why we created this site in the first place - as a way to circumvent the old media barriers to publication.
So anyhow, I am being brave and writing to Alt Press

this time. Wish us luck.