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08/31/2004 14:36 #31187

Parking Reality
Well, it's really happening. I guess I will be staying here another year as is indicated by my parking pass which expires in 2005.

08/31/2004 13:06 #31186

Just say no to CT scans
from the Times Of India

"Our research provides definitive evidence that radiation risk is associated with full-body CT scans. The radiation dose from a full-body CT scan is comparable to the doses received by some of the atomic-bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where there is clear evidence of increased cancer risk," said David J.

I guess it should seem obvious that this is the case. I hate x-ray and x-ray type devices. The dentist has been trying to convince me for years that I should get a head xray. I told him I would rather rip my teeth out.

This fear started in 1997 when I got a full chest xray for an injury. The nurse helper ended up making a mistake and they had to take a second. Later on I asked the doctor about it and he said its not good to have two. I was thrilled at that point. I ended up developing super p[owers, but I don't think they were worth it.

james - 04/26/08 10:08
your last one too. Or it will be a little chin music for you mister!
paul - 04/26/08 09:50
How ironic is it that I wrote this back in August of 04 and now I have had no less than 3 of them.

08/30/2004 22:00 #31185

Social Action
I would like to start a social action committee with people from the site. I think we have a lot of people power and ideas to offer, not to mention that we could have fun documenting the whole process. However, I would like to us to do something that would enrich the community or the environment and doesn't cost money or involve politics. I know that sounds hard to accomplish, but I don't want to have to beg everyone for money like (e:haikuster) and her run for AIDS campaign. I also don't want people to assume that our action is based on political propaganda.

If it were the beginning of spring I would suggest that we volunteered as a group for Habitat for Humanity. (e:matthew) says the the Great Lakes Cleaup is coming up soon on September 18th. Maybe we could do that? One year some of my friends and I helped cleanup Buckhorn state park on grand island. We could do something else as well. Something to help poor people? Any ideas? Any volunteers?

08/30/2004 21:48 #31184

Indian Dance Party and Elmwood Pets
[size=m]Indian Dance Party.[inlink]chaibiscoot,33[/inlink][/size]
(e:chaibiscoot), do you have cats and dogs. I am very allergic to them. If not I vote yes. (e:terry) and (e:matthew) vote yes either way

[size=m]Elmwood Pets[/size]
I attended a trip to Elmwood Pets Supplies (MAP TO: 706%20ELMWOOD%20AVE) with (e:matthew) in order to get some crickets. I am glad I went because while I was there I met Sara(h), who I think will be the newest writer on the site. She thought I worked there and asked me about the deal on Fishtanks. 55 gallons for $49. I asked her what she had and she told me that she wanted it for her turtle. I told her about Basra the tortoise and then we talked about Coffee & and writing. She said she loves to write and then I told her baout the site. So if this is you Sara(h), it was nice meeting you and tell me, how do you spell your name?


08/30/2004 18:48 #31183

Back at the CFA
We are back at the CFA, both (e:holly) and I. It is the same hospital-like atmosphere here as it was last semester. I am so glad I don't work here.
I feel like my work here is really going to come to an end soon.
