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08/07/2004 16:40 #31131

Self Imposed Privacy Invasion
Introducing all new e-mapping mapquest connection.

I live at (MAP TO: 567%20LAFAYETTE%20AVENUE) and work at (MAP TO: 2001%20MAIN%20STREET). I developed the new map feature to map it possible for epeeps to simply type Buffalo street addresses into their journal and have them turned into mapquest map link for that address. You simply click on the mapquest icon in your stylebox and type in the full street address without the city, zip,state or country between the map tags. For example, for Canisius College you would simply type "2001 Main Street" without the quotes.

Today, (e:lilho) and (e:terry) headed down to the (MAP TO: 208%20NORTH%20STREET) coop house . (e:lilho) is thinking about living there now but has to go through the housing application process. I wish her luck.

08/08/2004 12:23 #31130

Fake Beheading in California
This is such a good example of how fast information travels on the internet and how inaccurate it can be to depend on such information. Does anyone have this video? I would like to post a link to it and how easy it is to make propaganda.

An American computer expert duped international media on Saturday into believing Islamist kidnappers had executed a hostage in Iraq by staging his own mock beheading on the internet.

Benjamin Vanderford, 22, said he posted the 55-second clip on an online file-sharing network in May to draw attention to his campaign for a seat on San Francisco's Board of Supervisors.


When his political aspirations waned, he decided to distribute the footage on Kazaa, an online file-swapping network.

It circulated in cyberspace before crossing over to a website operated by the Islamic Global Media Centre, which has previously carried legitimate claims of beheadings. It was picked up and used by an international news agency, the Associated Press, and appeared on Arab television.

"It was part of a stunt, but no one noticed it up until now," Mr Vanderford said yesterday, after being interviewed by FBI agents.

Special Agent LaRae Quy, of the bureau's San Francisco office, said: "We will pursue any and all legal avenues for prosecution. At this point the matter is still under investigation."
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The video showed Mr Vanderford appealing to the US to leave Iraq. The web format was that used by an al-Qaeda ally, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and was introduced by a headline that said it showed Zarqawi killing an American. "If we don't [leave Iraq], everyone is gonna be killed in this way ...

"I have been offered for exchange for prisoners here in Iraq," the terrified-looking man said as he rocked back and forth in his chair with his hands tied behind his back.

The video showed a hand with a large knife apparently slicing the neck of a limp body.

But the blood was dye, the setting was a friend's garage, the Koran reading was a tape and the knife was held by a friend.

08/08/2004 04:39 #31129

Where Am I now
Me and (e:chris) are walking home from downtown after a rousing night wit (e:mike) and (e:beast)

(e:chris) says it's really far but I think it's better than driving and parking. The whole time we talked abou the meriits of the new sidekick 2. I want one but I can't afford it. I think I'll just beat him up and steal his.

Here is a (MAP TO: 431%20ELMWOOD%20AVENUE) of where we are at. It is right near solid grounds [business]solid grounds[/business]. If you haven't eaten there you should check it out. All of their food is really good. I especally like the slab of bacon.


08/07/2004 00:21 #31128

At Squeaky Wheel
Went down to squeaky wheel tonight for a video presentation called Friiends & Influences


Here was the bill for the evening.
[list] Pope Art - by Kerri Hopkins - 2:30
Awake - by Philip Lambert - 3:00
Half of This Video Does Not Exist - by Zilla Greene Something
Burt Damn - 15:00 by Steve Mieczikowsk
i Brief Intermission - Go But a beer
Kerri Tales: Vol 1 - 6:00 - Kerri Hopkins
Colors of Terror - 2:30 - Meg Knowles & Brian Milbrand
Worshipping Satan - 6:00 - by Kubiak Grading
Tips For Teachers - 10:00 by Tony Conrad
Captured 3:00 by Steve Mieczikowski HIV PSA - :30 by Kerri Hopkins [/list]

That Tony Conrad one is crazy. I keep seeing it and it makes me laugh everytime.

08/06/2004 18:31 #31127

I think it's different

I think they are men that get together to try and overcome their homosexual desires through prayer.