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08/05/2004 22:49 #31122

Trip to Deleware Park
(e:lilho) and I went to Hoyt lake behind the historical society at deleware park today after our UB excusrion. I captrued the whole thing with the sidekick (GOOGLE - tombile sidekick)


We decided to walk across the lake over the concretet divider that seprartes the lake from the scajaquada creek. It is really fun but if you fall in you fall in toxic sewer wateer to the right. I wouldn't suggest doing this at night. One time I went at night with my friend Jessica Zak and once we got halfway across, an angry handicapped man stepped onto the divider and started coming toward us. It was really out of control.


Once you get to the other side there is a bridge which can be really fun to hang out undeneith.


It has exceptional accoustics which can be really fun with drums or sticks, with which you can hit the bridges metal work and make fantastic clanging noises. This is what it looks like.


I also would not suggest coming here at night. One time while playing drums with my friend Chris Albon a man in leather came up to us and unzpped his pants to unfurl his private arts. Needless to say we had to run across the concrete divider.

We foudn a statue of mozart (GOOGLE - mozart biography) on the other side. I never realized he dies so young.


Once across we found a trail that lead trhough the forest. It is directly across from the ajpanese gardens. I can't say that i have ever seen it before, but it was definately a well trodden path.

When we wer eover there, we found a backpack and lot of school supplies in the forest. It looks liek someones backpack was stolen from Buffalo State maybe. Most of the stuff inside was in spanish. It had definately been tehre a while, lmaybe even a whole winter. If I had completed the code from the elmwood crime blotter, I would post it there. Unfrotunately, I did not so I am just going to have to wait.



Here is a biblewe found , written in spanish.


Then we deiced it was time to leave, so we headed back to the car along the highway.


When we got back to the histroical society, where the weeds are as high as my waist, we saw kids swimming in the swap water, which is so freakin' toxic. It was hard to believ so we headed back over, this time running across the highway in order to try and get a picture as wel figured no one would believe us. Runnign across the highway was really dangerous and stupid. I would not suggest doing it to anyone. (e:lilho) and I got stuck iin the middle for about 5 minutes, and the cars were getting reallly close. She had flipflops on which made the whole thing really scarry. I kept imagining her falling in the street and being crushed by the 50 mpH cars that were going by and how I would explain the whole thing to Julie and (e:hodown).

We found the kids in the water and (e:lilho) went up and took a picture. No one wshould ever swim in this water. tehre are so many chemicals. Once my tortoise fell in and met veteranarian said to never let it happen again. The kids were only liek 12 and had no adult supervision. I used to do things like this all the time. Ir emember in 6th grade that my friend sara fell in through the ice during the winter. I thought she would freeze do death but we managed to save her.


After catching the picture we walked back down the dangerous highway and up the elmwood exit ramp ramp and back into e-ville.


Back in the parking lot at the historical society, we saw that they had taken away the Abraham Lincoln stat
ue and had hi
"behind bars", okay, well a chain linked fence. I thought it was a perfect display of what is currently happening in Americna politics.


08/05/2004 16:24 #31121

Sister's Hospital
I just realized that Sister's Hospital, the place I was born is almost directly across the street from my office at Canisius. I feel like a Salmon that swam upstream, does it mean I am old now?

08/05/2004 18:00 #31120

Trip to Harriman Hall at UB South
(e:lilho) really needs a home. In an effort to accomodate her continued survival, we headed to the UB Off Campus Housing office on South campus to pick up a list of available apartments in the area.

South campus is so confusing, I've haven't been there much. I am glad I didn't ever have to live there or even attend UB as an undergraduate. I can see why (e:lilho) didn't like it.

I wanted to test out my new prrogramming on the go module, so I edited the blogme code to accept 15 instead of 9 attached journal images and documented our trip.

This is weird, I decided to add an old pic of our house that I had on the sidekick and crazy enough (e:lilho) 's car is in the same spot it was today. So it looked right minus the sun.


Here she is getting ready to leave on the trip.


Thi sis a great picture of Canisius , where I work accept that I work on the other side of the street.


We made it down to university height, I hate it there. Sorry, to all of you who live there but I think it sucks compared to e-ville. I noticed that Access Community was for rent. I said they were moving. Access community is the project of another kid from Trebors class named Lauren, we both started work on our community projects at the same time. His was definately mroe hands-on and mine was about producing a recorded history for people with no technical skills.

The maps at UB suck, there is no you are here arrow on them. What is up with that.


(e:lilho) tries to decipher the map.


We finally located another sign that pointed to Harriman Hall.


We tried to start walking according to what the building looked like on the map.


Posing for the sidekick on the ground. People looked at us like we were crazy but we were hot on the trail.


Here it is - please find (e:lilho) a home!!


The inside was pretty but also looked a little under construction, I gues sit is just that time of year.


Once we were inside the building finding the Off Campus Housing office was no problem. They had signs on every surface. Here is one on the ceiling.


Finally at the office. Oh no, they are out to lunch.


Then (e:lilho) found a photocopied list of available housing and got excited when she thought she was stealing it but it turns out they were there for the taking. hahaha.


08/04/2004 19:20 #31119

News Channel 4 and the Standoff
Not having a functioning televsion, I have not watched TV in a long time - years with the occasional at my parents or a bar moments. I get all of my local news from our local papers, word of mouth, and ths site. When I was first making the site, I thought we would be like a local newspaper, but that hasn't happpens quite yet. On a tangest that reminds me that I am thinking of adding our own police blotter than it much better than the real one, where we report crimes ourselves.

By depending on these sources it leaves me completely in the dark about the suburbs and county issues and I question if that's bad or if I am freeing myself up to think about other things instead who had a house file in Alden or what Amish people are doing in their rumspringa (must come from herumspringen). I figure if they are ever important enough, th einformation will trickle down to me through the many other mediums.

Well anyhow, while watching TV today with nonna [search]Nonna[/search] I noticed how the local news is totally sensationalist. Everything is super dramatic including their oh so frosted hair styles. I wonder if images of frosted hair will look the same as 80's one foot high bangs do, looking back now.

So the point, there was this story of what really looks like (e:matthew) standing on our roof at the 567 with the sign light on. I think we should pose a mock up photo of it tonight just to be funny. Even the blue hoody!


Here is the story: Just before 1:00 AM Wednesday morning, officers got a call about a domestic situation on Esser Avenue in Buffalo's Riverside Section.

For about two hours, neighbors watched as 32 year old Douglas Rogers paced the roof, smoked a cigarette and drank out of a coffee mug. But he also lashed out, and threw stuff at police and neighbors below.

Neighbor Debra Smith said, "He was throwing shingles off the roof and throwing bricks all over the place and hitting cop cars one after the other."

Cops confirm at least one police cruiser was hit with a brick or shingle. But officials say it wasn't until Rogers told police he had weapons, that officers called in other law enforcement teams.

Of course they made the whole thing out to be like police standoff with terrorists. At least that was the attitude you got from the sensationalist news version. I love how someone said "He was throwing shingles off the roof and throwing bricks all over the place and hitting cop cars one after the other." yet the police only confirmed one case of this.

He was for sure just an angry drunk guy, fighting with his wife and then felt cornered, so he climbed up on the house.

The tech side of it all. So I wanted to put a link to the video which became problematic as they have it all hidden in these really convoluted javascripts. I ended up sniffing the streaming packet as it come over to our computer. Then when I went to get it, I realzied I had found the entire news cast in high resolution includeing the commercials and everything in a nice 49MB package. Definately better than satellite reception. But my question is who watches this and why is it there and on akamai.

Here is a
to the whole show in streaming Windows Media Format, sorry mac users, I don't think you can see this one but it's not my fault, blame news channel 4

The story in question is somewhere around the middle of the newscast and you can fast forward I believe. I love when the newscaster says that is our big story i
n buffalo for the day even though a B
falo soldier was critcally wounded today in Iraq.

If anything it is nice to have a document of what is was like in Buffalo on Aug 3, 2004. I will add it to my digital scrapbook.

08/04/2004 03:23 #31118

Expedia's Description of Elmwood
I love expedia's description of elmwood.

[size=m]Elmwood Strip[/size]
This funky street overflows with possibilities: fine art, aromatherapy, piercings and pizza.

On another note, what happend to Steve Kurtz? [search]steve kurtz[/search] At one time it was the rage of the town, now I hear nothing.