I really don't think I can interpret these exactly but I had the craziest dreams this morning in my half awake phase.
First of, I was a a dinner party and really drunk in my dream.
(e:lilho) had cooked the meal which consisted of yellow, red, and blackberries with whip cream - tasty. I took ttoo many ephedrine pills in my dream and someone gave me water to wash it down with. It turned out to be caffeinated water and I started having heart palpitations. As if that wasn't enough, a lion got loose on elmwood at the time and was on our roof overhang.
(e:matthew) wanted to capture it on film but of course it rboke through the window and chased us all around. Somehow I ended up upstairs at another party but weird gothic people.
At the event, we accidently but literally sold our souls to satan. Satan came in about 15 forms, each on top of a pedastal like the mozart pedestal at hoyt lake. One was a salamander, one was a giant fat (600lbs+) white woman with bady died maroon hair and some sort of seductive sequin moo-moo (oxymoron perhaps), one was a skinny black man that looked sort of like a living wood cut, one was the traditional hoofed version, a snake, etc. Then they would pass this thing around and we had to kiss it. I wasn't going to do it in my athiestic stolz but ended up doing it just to prove it meant nothing after I saw all my friends do it anyways.
After the party, we waited in line and then got on a plane to go home. I began to fall asleep on the plane. When I woke up we were going downhill fast. I realized the plane was gonna crash and that I had to brace myself. Then we saw an spanish armada ship with a runway somehow and everyone was happy accept that the runway was too short so we crashed anyway. I was seriously injured but not dead and lying on the floor. No one else seemed very alert either. I could see this baby and kept calling t o it to come here because it was next to something that was smoking. When I finally dragged myself close enough, I realized the baby was dead and that the plane was burning and I didn't knwo how to get out. Then I woke up in real life and was really freaked out.