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07/01/2004 21:41 #31050

A Chronological Approach to Me
I was going through some of my backup files and found some old pics of me. My favorite is the fat one (I was never fat, its a camera trick.)

Here we go in chronological order.

Me as a kid at nonna's House.


Here I am in 1987 feeding some seagulls at Lasalle Park.


Going camping with Deidre (e:haikuster) circa 1994


1995 in my backyard


In Germany on the way back from Italy in 1996


In Flasgtaff at my mini apartment 2000 15 x 9 (3 dudes)

At the Volcano in Flagstaff 2000


Germany 2001, Terry and I hang this add up to find an apartment without having to write any words. It worked and we got a great one.


In my backyard woking on one of my early web projects . I was taking pictures of the site and transforming my Lexington Avenue Backyard into a tropical rainforest.


07/01/2004 16:49 #31049

I was looking for places ot go swimming in Vermont and one link led to another. Somehow I arrived at this picture. It is entitled sheep but they are really people. (e:rachel) , is this what you friend is posing for?


03/29/2005 12:27 #31048

Border's Books
I clearly can't afford to buy these three books. But I didn't have a pen or my sidekick so I decided to buy them in order to get the ISBN numbers. I am keeping only the DHTML guide. Should I feel bad about this. I was thinking about why computer books are so expensive. Maybe it is just because they are like tickets to making more money.


07/01/2004 11:21 #31047

Robin and The Robery
Robin, [inlink]robin,214[/inlink] sorry to hear about your incident. You should really post a description of the man so other people know to watch out for him. Maybe even scan in a little sketch.

I agree that the police in Buffalo are useless. I have called them during three serious situations [inlink]paul,692[/inlink] in Buffalo, and they have never helped and/or arrived during the time of the crime or even within an hour of the situation.

That is one advantage to living in Kenmore, that little police state on the other side of Kenmore avenue. I mean you have to deal with their draconian policies, like no siting on the sidewalk, etc but at least you know in an emergency they are there in about 45 seconds, seriously. If I was old and law abiding this would be ideal. They have even recovered several bikes for me which is never going to happen here in Buffalo.

The other night at (e:keith) 's house [inlink]news,362[/inlink] Jill and I were just joking but I think it holds true. We were saying that in a real emergency we would probably just call the Kenmore police and beg them to get us, haha.

I honestly do not feel any safer with our city cops. Just more scared, remember critical massacre anyone? [inlink]emily,167[/inlink]

Or how about when (e:chaibiscoot) had her night visit from cops [inlink]chaibiscoot,11[/inlink].

Sometimes vigilante tactics [inlink]holly,62[/inlink] are the best ones. One time in the Tops parking lot my mother was mugged, and (e:mike) was just a kid. He apparently just screamed and screamed while my mother wrestled her purse back. Robin, you should just carry some mace with you. I mean even if its illegal, we can pretty much rest assured the Buffalo cops will never catch you. Maybe even a tazer.


I got this picture from

Jason Coates has some really great oil paintings. I foudn him on google.

07/01/2004 04:22 #31046

Lung Crunchies Update
In reference to [inlink]soyeon,45[/inlink], I have also made it a week without smoking any tobacco. This is the longest ever I think. So thanks to my little lung crunchies [inlink]paul,1246[/inlink] and some tastey mushrooms, I don't think I will ever be able to smoke cigarettes again.