We went up to Toronto for the weekend and ended up in the fanciest hotel room we ever had stayed in. It was so fancy we got a tour of the room and the bell person carried our luggage up there. Never will do that again.
Hopefully, starting Wednesday I will get a chance to start working on the site some more. I have really missed being able to program. I would really like to take a couple of sets of functions and move them over to classes.
Tomorrow, I have to spend the day gardening and on Tuesday I am taking Emily to the airport and then teaching one final class for my 3D modeling course at Canisius. I will probably also post the information from the other night.
(e:mike), sorry the email thing was messed up. You sent one email that did not have a final dollar sign on it so it never got deleted and the whole thing kept on repeating. I will need to work on that on Wednesday.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/28/2004 01:15 #31041
We Are Back06/26/2004 13:36 #31040
Outside the BoxLast night I got a chance to reflect on the work I have been doing. It's crazy how much is beginning to make sense. ORginally, I was in such a high production phase that I could not take the time to critically analyze what it all meant.
Unfortunately, last night I couldn't stop reflecting and almost blinded myself. Eventually, I would like to publish some of my data but I have to wait till I can move past the editing phase and stop restricting myself from deleting again.
(e:emily), I made the search box the cranberry color you like.
Here is a picture I took of matthew breaking the speed of sound barrier in his rocking chair. It remiunds me of those 19th century spiritualist ghost photos.

Unfortunately, last night I couldn't stop reflecting and almost blinded myself. Eventually, I would like to publish some of my data but I have to wait till I can move past the editing phase and stop restricting myself from deleting again.
(e:emily), I made the search box the cranberry color you like.
Here is a picture I took of matthew breaking the speed of sound barrier in his rocking chair. It remiunds me of those 19th century spiritualist ghost photos.

06/26/2004 04:30 #31039
Welcome(e:azurexeruza) you arrived at just the right time.
06/25/2004 23:20 #31038
This is f%&*ing RidiculousWe ended up staying out till almost 8:00am.

I can't believe it's still going on. I changed my mind about my excitement becuase I am tired and (e:jill) and I were not so drunk. Luckily, (e:jill) was there and we got to spend the night together. Not in the way (e:beast) spent the night but we had lots of fun playing fort and phone and reading about the clubber, drinker past of Osama bin Laden.
Everyone else got naked like at the strip party but with more dancing.
I never realized Osama turned on his westernized party past. I assumed he never had one. It all really makes sense now. He is just a rich daddies boy.
Which leads me to a sidenote about the dude I met who told me this money strapped sob storry about daddy paying his bills but not enough to pay entertainment expenses, puke puke.
Derselbe Jung hat mal probiert seinen Schwanz an (e:jill) zu stossen. Die beiden haben zusammen studiert, und er fragte sie, "hast du mal an meinem Schwanz gedacht als wir zusammen studiert haben." Es war peinlich.
Sorry my German sucks, its 8:05 amand im riding a bike while sidekicking home from panos. the klincher is that terry has to take sang to the airport right now and he is so wasted tired
should I stay up I haven't slept in days. but even still my life rocks compared to the yellow bearded dude who lives on the bench outside of Burgerking. I seriously feel for him.

This picture just about sums up the evening.

I can't believe it's still going on. I changed my mind about my excitement becuase I am tired and (e:jill) and I were not so drunk. Luckily, (e:jill) was there and we got to spend the night together. Not in the way (e:beast) spent the night but we had lots of fun playing fort and phone and reading about the clubber, drinker past of Osama bin Laden.
Everyone else got naked like at the strip party but with more dancing.
I never realized Osama turned on his westernized party past. I assumed he never had one. It all really makes sense now. He is just a rich daddies boy.
Which leads me to a sidenote about the dude I met who told me this money strapped sob storry about daddy paying his bills but not enough to pay entertainment expenses, puke puke.
Derselbe Jung hat mal probiert seinen Schwanz an (e:jill) zu stossen. Die beiden haben zusammen studiert, und er fragte sie, "hast du mal an meinem Schwanz gedacht als wir zusammen studiert haben." Es war peinlich.
Sorry my German sucks, its 8:05 amand im riding a bike while sidekicking home from panos. the klincher is that terry has to take sang to the airport right now and he is so wasted tired
should I stay up I haven't slept in days. but even still my life rocks compared to the yellow bearded dude who lives on the bench outside of Burgerking. I seriously feel for him.

This picture just about sums up the evening.

06/25/2004 22:37 #31037
Lung CancerCategory: cancer
I have become really concerned with the idea of lung cancer and as my lungs hurt this morning from the party last night, I decided to dedicate today's artwork to freaking myself out in order to make myself quit.

I designed these picture compositing 3D lung cancer monsters with real lung images. I used Maya and photoshop for the composites.

I designed these picture compositing 3D lung cancer monsters with real lung images. I used Maya and photoshop for the composites.