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06/15/2004 11:00 #30996

The four journal entries below
The four entries below were actually from Saturday. Unfortunately, my email was down that whole time, due to a server upgrade at our web hosting facility, so they didn't post until today.

Actually, the web hosting service we use sucks. They used to be really good, and then they just started going seriously downhill. I would like to move the site to another location but I am having so many issues with the move.

1. Host it myself - the best solution. Seeing as I own a really nice server, I would like to use it. The problem is the connection is to damn expensive for me. Sounds like I really need to write for a grant.

2. Move it somewhere local - I could move it somewhere local but I have a lot of issues with maintaining the anonymity of keeping it far away. I like the fact that some tech dork out west does not care about our community at all. I cannot guarantee that someone local wouldn't. I mean what if some local person had a vendetta against us then fucked the site up. It's too much trust for people I do not know. Why would someone far, far away at a giant tech headquarters want to know who was writing this or that journal entry? It's simply not an issue. Someone here in town, might have more curiosity and that's what worries me.

I also like the anonymity of calling joe techie when there is a problem and getting mad at him a lot more then being pissed off at some local person with a face, when something goes wrong.

I need to make a decision soon, or hope that now that our hosting service upgraded that everything will be great again.

06/15/2004 10:19 #30995

Dad's Gift
After examing the ton's of arty stuff that my father for sure would never want I ended up getting him a gift certificate to Gabriel's Gate, my favorite restaurant in Allentown


Well, seeing entry this came to my journal 3 days late, now I have more to say about it. Turns out my father deosn't like Gabriel's Gate, my mother told me. So Terry, matthew, and I went there yesterday with the gift certificate. You should try that sometime, it's pretty fun because you feel special that you have a gift certificate even though you bought it.

06/13/2004 02:27 #30994

Five Missing Journals
I wrote five journals today and sent them along with pictures via email to my journal. Unfortunately, the lame ISP had some email drama and are installing a new cisco systems router. Until then the email is all on hold. So someday soon, all the journal entries will come all at once out of time order.

Argh, I wish I had a grant right now. I have so many ideas and I want my own line, so I can ditch this server and use my own. I mean I have the server, I just need the connection.

06/11/2004 13:43 #30993

Calamari Squid and e:peeps mixup

Funny that you mention squid. Most of the calories that were used to produce the code for this site came from calamari. Simply put calamari energy = happy paul = quick thinking paul = programmer paul. Thank you calamari for making possible.

On a side note, I did not have calamri yesterday morning when I made the stupidest error. I was trying to purchase the rights to and instead got Which sound so lame. Errors like that make me so mad, but it's my own fault for not double checking. So now I own and don't want it. I was planning on starting my social networking site, a subsidiary of (e:Strip) at epeeps. I probably still will, but I have to get over my anger about the mixup first. The idea is that will be about your ideas, links, pictures, etc and (e:peeps) will help you find your friends in town via cell-phone, IM, SMS, computer, networking connections. Who knows.

06/11/2004 03:26 #30992

Sun Glasses on Terry
Someone had some crazy sunglasses
that our friend Paul had. The pink was great, we handed out 50