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Paul's Journal

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06/09/2004 15:27 #30987

Rudolph Gallery And Sons
Today, we headed out to get more flowers for our award winning garden. I am not so much into
gardening as Matthew and Terry but I am interested in food plants and spices. While we we here I found 18 kinds of mint, and 6 kinds of basil
and yes, the pineapple mint really tastes like pineapple.

mint types: watermint, spearmint, silver, pineapple, perfume, peppermint, orange, mountain, lime, lemon, ginger, corsican,curly, catmint, candy, blue balsam, blackberry, apple

basil type: african, cinamon, italian, lemon, spicy globe, thai

Below are some pics I just took of matthew and Terry contemplating their purchases.


Here are some shots of the mint and basil varieties.


This place is huge and they seem to have everything. It is also nice that it's local and not just another trip to homedepoop.

It's located at 2722 Clinton. Take the 190 N to Clinton, go left and it will be on your left. Check it out.

Here is my favorite the Dahlia.

06/09/2004 14:22 #30986

Now that we have such a huge readership
We have a forum here that people seem to pay attention to. The next question becomes, how do we draw more writers and how do we begin to critically analyze our community, both the virtual and real versions, so that it makes sense.

We should use it to inspire the betterment of our community, maybe even form a citizens action committee.

Artists, you can also use this as a venue for talking about your work.

Soon, I will be also developing new modules for peer restaurant review, local business reviews, and (e:peeps) (social networking.) Any other ideas? Just post them on your journal.

06/09/2004 05:14 #30985

RSS Part Two and Chat
If you wan to suscbribe to a particular journal with your rss agrigator, simply click on the RSS link in the users Link list. make sure to install your aggregator first. See the info journal for more instructions.

Update: You can now get to a users journal by clicking on their nam ein the chat window.

06/09/2004 00:50 #30984

I heart XML and RSS
XML and RSS rock my world. Now you can also have your world rocked by RSS newsfeeds thanks to some slick evening programming of mine. Check out the news journal [inlink]news,329[/inlink] for more information and find out how to explore RSS.

The best part about this whole RSS newfeed thing is that many people making the feeds are not even the creators of the sites. They are people doing something called scraping. Scaping is taking important content off a another web site and sending it as an RSS feed. For example, a news site minus the advertisments.

Rss is also very mobile because the feeds are little. Using the mac program on the news journal, you can even read your RSS feeds on you iPod. I read them on my phone. They are fast, fun, and efficient and you can find hundreds of RSS feeds out there to subscribe to. Also try searcing on feedster, the online search engine for RSS feeds. Sharpreader can search feedster right from the program.

06/08/2004 18:58 #30983

Avenge September 11th
What is up with this sign at the poster shop on Bird and Elmwood. Does anyone else find it offensive and uneccessary in 2004, three years after the fact and after we have seen what horrible side-effects that type of attitude has on international stability and peace.
