Finally, after so much work on everybody's part, the banner is hanging outside. Basically, thanks to the excellent sewing skills of Jill. Jill, I bought you a special something for all your help. Are you guys coming by tonight for tee-shirt making. Michael, also bring your video camera, if you come by so we can practice the interviews.
Jill came over with Mike and the gang last night and by this morning when I woke up, the banner was done. It is truly amazing. I ended up sewing tabs all around it to hang it because I didn't want to hurt the nylon in any way. It is really perfect.
There are more new people already, now we have jafafahots, buffalolbs, and metalpeter.
I went to JoAnnes and bought more rip stop nylon on sale to make another banner for the other end of elmwood. This one will be red and white. After sewing the tabs today I feel confident with the sewing machine. Who would have every thought that computer programming would lead to sewing.
I also made a ~1000 copies of the little "ugly" bookmark flyers, thanks to help from flacideness and his exacto cutting abilities.
Here;s the banner still in the design phase on the computer in 3D, where it stayed for one year.
Here are the letters being cut out and placed on the banner
Here are Terry and Matthew hanging the banner up outside.
I have no picture of Jill sewing, do you Jill?!?!
I gotta go the dyke march is coming!
Wow, I loved those pants. I think I still have them as shorts.