We finished camping in Smethport today. I had no network service, so I began to feel a little disconnected. I get so frustrated now trying to argue about things that have a definate answer when we don't have access to all the information that is available.
For example, do moth and butterfly pupae develop into butterflies, or do the butterflies hatch out of them. I felt that they must develop into them. We could have no answer in our information wasteland.
On another note, Holly's mom braved the campout with her new hip and brought her seriously tasty pecan pie. It was good to see her and she said that camping is the only thing that makes her happy. She also has some pretty funny stories.
Cintra came too and brought her dogs and a chainsaw. She should be on survivor.
A weekend in flames - For my personal taste we had too much fire. I grew up with the whole Low Impact camping ideals, and was taught to only
use as many resources as necessary on a camping trip. The chainsaw kind of saddened me, because I knew there was no way I needed that much fire,
let alone one that runs on iraqi blood. The chainsaw was probably brought in because Matt and I refused to saw more wood. I just felt
saturated with fire, it wasn't cause I was lazy.
If I was alone, I would eat less meat, more trailmix, some instant noodles, and a piece of chicken on a stick, some nuts, and an apple. No
grill, no mega-fire, no cooler, little work.
Matthew and I captured lots of nature pictures, which we will post tonight, including a video of the campfire. We also realized what our next big digital art project would be. I don't want to release any more details till we launch it sometime next month.
Somehow against all weather advisories, we ended up staying too long and got rained on. I am glad I went, I just wish I listened to matthew at
7am, when he said lets go, its starting to rain, instead of waiting till it poured, so I could sleep an extra hour.