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05/28/2004 17:09 #30952

Hot Diggity Dog
I take back my hot dog slander. Jessica Ho, Sarah Ho, and I ended up at the toxic waste outlet in Niagara Falls. I bought a book on digital voyeurism at the book outlet for 5 dollars.

I don't know why, I really don't like reading books like that but the consumerist pressure was so great after looking at it for a while. I think it's a tactic, where they make you feel weird if you touch stuff too much without purchasing it.


To pacifiy me, Jessica bought me sugar snacks and rides. I am a sucker for gumball machines and rides. No change since 1984. Lilho and I rode the hot dog mobile as you can see in this picture. It kind of hurt cause I'm too big and it rocked really hard. Luckily, I got an orange, banana, strawberry, toxic runoff water smoothy to make it all better


05/28/2004 12:11 #30951

The Bathroom Spy Photos
Well, they are not really spy photos but we did take them in the bathroom. The candlelight was too dim so we headed somewhere brighter. It was really funny to see the face of the next patron when the three of us cameout of the bathroom.

05/28/2004 12:09 #30950

Thursday in the Square
The first thursday in the square was a huge success. At fiirst it downpoured and made the whole thing a mud pit, but then it stopped forthe concertand people came out in droves. It was great to see so many people who seemed toreally enjoy themselves.


Sam Roberts Band was amazingly good.

On a personal note, I got to see Kari Costanza,which is great as always. Maybe she'll start a journal someday and then we won't lose contact so easily.

After the square we went to the bar called Presba where Lindsay works. Zack did the graphic design for them and hooked us up with fantastic food and drinks.
Including blueberry cheesecake, which sent Chamille into ecstacy. It really was good cheesecake. Thanks for everything Zack.


This picture is just to prove that people do take public transportation in Buffalo, even if the system itself is very limited.


05/28/2004 11:47 #30949

Hotdogs and Christian Protesters
On the way to Thursday in the square, TK and Jeffrey decided to eat hotdogs at sahlen's on main st downtown. I will never eat hotdogs (longstanding issue since the early 90s, accept when Jessica Ho made me eat one at German camp day) let alone from an establishment that uses tinfoil to make wall size dividers in the restaurant. Rating: T for trashy


Now the ueberchristians are protesting Thursday in the square too. I can only imagine what is going
to happen next weekendduring operation lionpit. I wish someone would just crucify them and end it once and for all.


05/27/2004 02:14 #30948

Steve Kurtz
As for Steve Kurtz, the reason I never talked about it here is because I did not know what happend. I only knew his wife died. I guess I live in my little bubble without televsion, visits to the pink, or school. I don't talk to anyone and get all of my news here on the site. So go ahead and keep me posted.

My two cents - On on hand I don't know much about the situation. On the other hand I went to go see Paul Vanouose and Steve Kurtz's talk on collaborative art with scientists and I have to say I was a little freaked out that he would want to work with anthrax simulants. Mostly, because it would make them seem so suspect in America right now. While he is for sure not a bioterrorist, we only know that because we know him. The police don't know him, the FBI didn't either. I am kind of glad the police check it out with hazmatt teams when they find something that they think might be biohazardous, even if it seems a little over the top. I mean better safe than sorry. They obviously had to call someone in, because we can pretty much bet 100% that the Buffalo police themselves are not trained to know the difference between a testtube and a anthrax lab. I mean what would expect them to do? Being an artist doesn't make you immune from the reality of the current state of affairs. I wonder what has happend to the guy that got him whatever the stuff that got him in trouble was. He must be in deep sh*t. I remember him saying that it is often hard to work with scientists sometimes because their jobs are on the line and then he used that specific one as an example.

I really wish him the best. It must be so hard on him, I can't imagine losing a wife and then this on top of it. Is he still banned from viewing the body, because that is sick and twisted? Moreover,iIs he even still around, or has he been permanently dissapeared? Which is scarier, real bioterrorists or the government agents? I guess I am glad I dropped science before I started art.