Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/12/2004 21:12 #30908
I failed in accessibility05/12/2004 05:47 #30907
Stickboy and the PinkSorry I passed out. I hope Mike and Jill went at least.
05/11/2004 19:54 #30906
Years of biologyI was going through my old biology notes and projects today. The ones from the time I was in Germany were really well done. I don't know what got into me but I was somehow inspired to work really hard. Both times that I was studying botany in Germany, I had such excellent and inspirational professors.
Here are some things from back in the day. First of all my notes are insanely meticulous. I guess it was before I had a computer after all. After looking at them I was thinking, wow, I used to be able to write with my hands. That seems pretty crazy now, because my handwriting has become totally illegible due to lack of using a pen. I mean, I can barely read it myself.
There are seriously 30 pages of notes like these. I can barely even remember writing them. I guess I was 19 so its almsot 10 years ago now.

For that same professor I took a class called organic gardeing. We had to grow a giant spice garden from scratch. It was really fun and I learned a lot. Here are some pictures from the excavation. I guess it shows that I actually did some physical work before I got my computers. I got my very first personal computer/laptop in 2000. This is taken in 1996.

Once we were done with the garden I made a German Vegan cookbook complete with pressing from each of the spices in the recipes. That smester we actually grew marijuana in the garden at school. I ate it on pizza a lot. I found the pizza recipe complete with the marijuana leaf pressing. I think it is funny, now a days I would be afraid to bring that across the border.

I made a bunch of books that year. I think the best one was called "Heilpflanzen" which translates to healing plants. I made the book from foam like fabric and sewed it together. then I pressed each healing plant and wrote about it by hand. It seems amazing again that I did not have a computer. It would have been so much different if I did. I fear to say, that I think it would have been bad. The charm of it now is being able to see the hand craftiness of it and to touch the actual pressed plants. It seems much better than high gloss, scan of the plants that I would have produced if it were 2004.

All in all that year was so sucessful for me. Thank you Dr. Wilfried Probst. he was such an amazing professor, although totally handicapped and wheeelchair bound. I asked oen time what happend to him and a student told me that he got into some accident out in nature. They said that he used to teach at a much bigger school but after the accident he started teaching in Flensburg where attended his class. One time we had to go on a field trip and he asked me to drive with him. I assumed he meant with his wife or some driver but he actually drove suing a piece of leather that he bit onto in a giant van. It was quite amazing to see someone who tried so hard and accomplish so much.
Here are some things from back in the day. First of all my notes are insanely meticulous. I guess it was before I had a computer after all. After looking at them I was thinking, wow, I used to be able to write with my hands. That seems pretty crazy now, because my handwriting has become totally illegible due to lack of using a pen. I mean, I can barely read it myself.
There are seriously 30 pages of notes like these. I can barely even remember writing them. I guess I was 19 so its almsot 10 years ago now.

For that same professor I took a class called organic gardeing. We had to grow a giant spice garden from scratch. It was really fun and I learned a lot. Here are some pictures from the excavation. I guess it shows that I actually did some physical work before I got my computers. I got my very first personal computer/laptop in 2000. This is taken in 1996.

Once we were done with the garden I made a German Vegan cookbook complete with pressing from each of the spices in the recipes. That smester we actually grew marijuana in the garden at school. I ate it on pizza a lot. I found the pizza recipe complete with the marijuana leaf pressing. I think it is funny, now a days I would be afraid to bring that across the border.

I made a bunch of books that year. I think the best one was called "Heilpflanzen" which translates to healing plants. I made the book from foam like fabric and sewed it together. then I pressed each healing plant and wrote about it by hand. It seems amazing again that I did not have a computer. It would have been so much different if I did. I fear to say, that I think it would have been bad. The charm of it now is being able to see the hand craftiness of it and to touch the actual pressed plants. It seems much better than high gloss, scan of the plants that I would have produced if it were 2004.

All in all that year was so sucessful for me. Thank you Dr. Wilfried Probst. he was such an amazing professor, although totally handicapped and wheeelchair bound. I asked oen time what happend to him and a student told me that he got into some accident out in nature. They said that he used to teach at a much bigger school but after the accident he started teaching in Flensburg where attended his class. One time we had to go on a field trip and he asked me to drive with him. I assumed he meant with his wife or some driver but he actually drove suing a piece of leather that he bit onto in a giant van. It was quite amazing to see someone who tried so hard and accomplish so much.
05/11/2004 04:31 #30905
Scroll ArrowsWhat do you think? The white ones are slow, the red ones are fast. I like them because they let you smoothly scroll without using the scrollbar. I could get rid of the scrollbar now, but I think some people would be angry.
05/11/2004 01:09 #30904
After Several Days of AbsenseThe superocmputer is once again alive and doing well. It now runs Suse along with Windows XP pro. Thank god for Suse or I would have never been able to network again.
I also saw stcikboy while walking up and down elmwood today. I was trying to come up with an advertisement idea. He suggested having the bar tender at the pink where an (e:Strip) shirt. We will have to see how that goes, but I think its a great idea. What do you think holly, it could be a good start for your t-shirt business.
I also saw stcikboy while walking up and down elmwood today. I was trying to come up with an advertisement idea. He suggested having the bar tender at the pink where an (e:Strip) shirt. We will have to see how that goes, but I think its a great idea. What do you think holly, it could be a good start for your t-shirt business.