05/01/2004 20:33 #30886
Cats Tend to make my life suck
Cats- Someday they will kill me.
One time in Italy I almost dies because I stopped breathing and my lungs filled up with blood. I am so alergic to cats that I often get allergic in crowds becasue so many people have them. So wehn I am not out tonight, everyone will know the cats made me stay away.
There have been so many events during the last ten years that have been so fucked up due to cats being on earth. I am sorry for all you cat lovers but I hate them and would dance in the streets if they were all rounded up and exterminated.
04/30/2004 20:20 #30885
Elmwood was so alive todayThe noises from elmwood were so intense today. Even more so than yesterday, although yesterday was warmer. Today had the Friday advantage. People seemed so alive after being freed from the constraints of winter lifestyles in Buffalo. You could hear people laughing and singing, bikers with bells, children yelling, dogs barking, music in all the open windows of the cras. I realized that we actually live in the perfect location to record the sounds of elmwood onto a CD. Considering that the sounds of elmwood are rather limited except during the 4 months of summer, it might make an interesting compilation.
For people who do not live in Buffalo. Unfortunately, I can't say it is much different than the noises of any medium size city in which you have open windows in cars and houses. Here that noise of the interepenetrating realities becomes music to our silence over-exposed winter ears.
Gotta jet as so Terry and I can pick up Robin and head on down to see Soyeon's newest installation at the Ceepa gallery. I will post pictures when we get back.
04/30/2004 20:11 #30884
My first Linux mini-top entryThis is my first journal entry written from the mini-top (super-mini laptop) that I inherited through Holly. It is not the Vaio from my previous journal entry but another vaio, equally as small, just a little older. After about 18 hours of intense work, I was able to get everything up and running on it. It is a dual boot Windows XP pro/ Suse 8.2. I added a 40 GB drive, bought new RAm, and ordered a new battery. I even got the wireless usb dongle to work, which wa smore of a feat than you can imagine. You may finally see me out and about on elmwood once the battery arrives as this will allow me to work on the go.
Holly told me that she typed a short story using this device over a summer. I cannot imagine typing a short story, as my fingers are already freaked out typing just this journal entry on such a small keyboard. However, I think coding should be fine as it is not as repetitive. Or maybe its more repetitive, thank god for the bluetooth keyboard, as if I did not already have enough cancer rays flying through my personal space!
04/29/2004 12:35 #30883
Weather on ElmwoodCategory: estrip
The weather pattern on ELmwood is incredibly irratic. Yesterday it was about 40 degress. Today it is supposed to be 81. I think this says something about the weather patterns changing. Obviously some winds and bucking back and forth and wreaking havok with our climate. I wish the 80 degree ones would stay.
04/28/2004 01:05 #30882
kimya at mohawk placeCategory: music
I got to meet kimya and she is everything I dreamed she was. I am too nervous to talk to her anymore but I got a new album and a t-shirt.
The three of us got t-shirts, two were custom made for the occasion. Here is a pic of us with Kimya. She probably thought we were freaks, becasue I was all, "I am your biggest fan, blah"
If we ever end up hosting our big
(e:strip) party, - will ask her to come along.