Q. Why is there no collaboration between me and my televsion?
A.I was never really into it when I was younger, so I never developed the "proper" tools to think that way.
Most importantly though, because I have unleanred the skill both intentionally and unintentionally. Since the internet first became so ultimately consumable I have been using computer to surf the web. When I think about anything, it often triggers another side-thought and I just follow it around the web. Then it trigger another and another tangent. For some people this makes them unfocused, but for me I think it concentrates my productivity. I find that that style helps me think faster, even if it is about more tangentially related subjects. So when I watch video in its linear format I get carried with questions about every little bit and I can't follow them in any pattern I want. I feels like I am being told what to do, where to look, and how to feel. I guess that is the entire idea behind drama. That's why you can't talk in a theatre. I don't trust anything where you are not allowed to talk. What kind of situation demand no communicating besides one with power relationship.
On the internet I can view, search and talk all I want, to many people at once. With the movieI have to continue to look ofward in time, downa specific path and not out to the side. What about drama demands full attention? Is it the feeling of emotional attachment to the subject through hypnotism?!
Good bye linear narratives althogther, it seems so freakin archane, I'd rather "crawl."
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/25/2004 20:03 #30879
I hope this makes sense04/25/2004 19:40 #30878
Workshop Gone BadOnly four people showed up. It was pretty depressive. However, I am really glad I met Christoph Spear. He was the silver lining of the conference for me. I will have to start reading his book soon. I would suggest it to you'll but it is written in German. Maybe I will explain it when I read it, could be useful to all of you interested in free cooperation and collaboration.
04/25/2004 03:59 #30877
Workshop by Paul and HollyCategory: school
04/24/2004 13:37 #30876
Publication Paper WasteCategory: school
I heard lots of people talking about htis yesterday. What is up with the massive paper waste with the Collaborative Network conference at UB? It makes me sick that no one had any environmental concerns during its production. I cannot believe the giant font and the many blank areas on 11 x 17 paper. It should have been so much smaller with the rest of it on the web. Especially considering that it is a new media conference.
And only a day after Earth Day!

And only a day after Earth Day!

04/22/2004 13:52 #30875
Poetics is DangerousCategory: poetry
Holly this one is for you. Hurry up and switch to painting. According to Reuters today ...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Poets die young -- younger than novelists, playwrights and other writers, a U.S. researcher said Wednesday.
... "What I found was pretty consistent with the death finding actually, female poets were much more likely to suffer from mental illness (e.g., be hospitalized, commit suicide, attempt suicide) than any other kind of writer and more likely than other eminent women," he said.
Full story:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Poets die young -- younger than novelists, playwrights and other writers, a U.S. researcher said Wednesday.
... "What I found was pretty consistent with the death finding actually, female poets were much more likely to suffer from mental illness (e.g., be hospitalized, commit suicide, attempt suicide) than any other kind of writer and more likely than other eminent women," he said.
Full story: