Total Views Approaches 3,000,000
Let's have a 3,000,000 journal viewing since 12/03 party. Seeing as I never paid attention to the total views stats before, i have no idea how fast this will happen. If you are logged in and viewing your own journal, it doesn't add to the views. So these are other people viewing your journals.
Bumper Stickers
The 300 magnetic bumper stickers shipped yesterday so they should be here some time next week.
Commas in Stats
I also added commas to all the statistic numbers in the data stripe at the top of the site. The numbers were getting unruly without them. Thanks to the PHP number_format() function
Comment Stats
Then I added the total number of comments to the front page, the total number of comments on eahc journal to the journal, and the total number of comments posted by each user.
Deleted Peeps
I also deleted a good 100 peeps tonight after ample warnign about not using their accounts ever. That frees up their usernames againa nd reduces the amount of crap I have to backup when I backup the server.
If you have internet on your phone, and estrip is not working then you are doing it wrong. I have tested on about 100 phones, even the free ones.
If you have WAP use
If you have an xhtml capable phone use
the treo 700 just came out too- in palm and windows versions. I'm wondering if it's time to take the plunge. (but paul- does NOT work on my phone (moto 330 with tmobile internet)).