08/03/2005 19:51 #30137
Quick Correct Question?Category: estrip
Quick correct is one of the best features on the site. You simply click on the little letter block cube in your journal publish box and viola, the words are fixed. Currently it corrects the following words in any entry.
"The", "the", "and", "have", "had", "a lot", "make", "aren't", "believe", "can't", "couldn't", "didn't", "her", "else", "working", "again", "doesn't", "hadn't", "hasn't", "yet", "he'd", "he'll", "here's", "he's", "how's", "has", "the", "there", "i'll", "isn't", "I've", "make", "piece", "peices", "she", "shouldn't", "should've", "that", "than", "don't", "i'm", "browser", "emlwood", "should", "that", "information"
Can anyone think of any commonly mispelled words I should add?